Judo's Theory of Combat 柔道格斗理论 The Standing Phase 站立状态 The Ground Phase 倒地状态 Judoka 柔道队员 Uniform 服装 Judogi 柔道服 A. standing techniques (tachi-waza)立技(站立技术) a. throwing (nage-waza)站立不倒的投技 hand techniques (te-waza, 手技) hip techniques (koshi-waza, 腰技) foot/leg techniques (ashi-waza, 足技) b. sacrifice techniques (sutemi-waza)主动倒地的舍身技 the thrower falls directly backwards (ma-sutemi-waza)真舍身技 the thrower falls onto his side (yoko-sutemi-waza)横舍身技 B. groundwork (ne-waza)寝技(倒在地上的翻滚角斗技术) a. attacks against the joints or joint locks (kansetsu-waza)关节技 b. strangleholds or chokeholds (shime-waza)绞技 c. holding or pinning techniques (osaekomi-waza)固技 Score 四种评分 ippon 一本 waza-ari 有技 yuko 有効 koka 效果 |