Hairpin Net Shot Shot made from below and very close to the net with the shuttle rising, just clearing the net, and then dropping sharply down the other side. The shuttle flight approximates the shape of a hairpin. 是指在网的附近发球,稍高于球网,然后突然落在对方的场地上。 Kill Fast, downward shot that cannot be returned 扣球 Net Shot Shot hit from the forecourt that just clears the net and drops sharply. 沿网子的扣球 Push Shot Gentle shot played by pushing the shuttle with little wrist motion, usually from net or midcourt to the opponent. 慢推球,是指慢慢地以扭转的方式向前推球,一般都在球场中部进行 Rally Exchange of shots while the shuttle is in play. 连续对打,在得一分前交换了几个回合,如在网球比赛中 Serve or Service Stroke used to put shuttlecock into play at the start of each rally. 发球,前边的是动词,后边的是名词。 Shuttlecock Official name for the object that players hit. 羽毛球的官方名称 Smash Hard-hit overhead shot that forces the shuttle sharply downward. 猛扣,举手过肩地猛烈地抽击(球或羽毛球) |