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issue voter: 议题选民

四年一度的美国总统选举正如火如荼地进行。随着投票日期的临近,共和党与民主党两大政营之间的竞争也愈演愈烈。继前段时间双方召集了各自党派的全国代表大会(national convention)后,各种各样的竞选拉票活动也进入了最后的冲刺阶段。无论是旨在连任的乔治·布什,还是意在当选的约翰·克里,都在各自的竞选活动中使出浑身解数,力争选民的支持和投票。今天,我们就来看一个与选民有关的表达:issue voter。

“voter”很简单,指选民或投票者。“issue”的原义是“重大事情、事件或问题等”。那么这两个词搭配在一起是什么意思呢?我们先来看一下下面这段报道(from Associated Press):

President Bush has a slight lead over Democrat John Kerry in an Associated Press poll, but the president has a big advantage on protecting the country - the issue voters say they care about most.

"If we don't take care of the terrorists, we certainly won't have to worry about the economy," said Janet Cross, 57, of Portsmouth, Ohio, who switched from Democrat to Republican for the last election.

Seven weeks before Election Day, Bush is considered significantly more decisive, strong and likable than Kerry, and he has strengthened his position on virtually every issue important to voters, from the war in Iraq and creating jobs - two sources of criticism - to matters of national security and values.



现在离美国总统大选的正式投票日还有两个来月的时间,胜负如何还很难预料。不过我们也可以从目前的一些民意调查中了解到影响大选的重要因素,其中选民关注的话题或事情无疑也会对最终的选举结果产生一些决定性的作用。因此,在一定程度上,选民也就成了一种“issue voter” —— 根据某些议题决定投票的选民,我们可以称之为“议题选民”。

另外,有些选民有时候可能仅仅因为一个议题,而投候选人的支持或反对票,这类选民被称为one issue voter或 single issue voter。
