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Follow suit:仿效别人


12月8日,美国众议院最终以336票赞成75票反对的投票结果通过了情报机构改革法案,这是中央情报局自1947年成立以来第一次“大手术”。根据该法案,美国将新设国家情报局长一职并增设全国性反恐中心;确定了情报搜集工作的先后优先顺序;加强美国的边境管理。外电报道如下:The scattered agencies that make up the U.S. intelligence community are about to get a new leader. The question is: Will that person have enough authority to make them follow?

On Tuesday, the House broke a monthlong stalemate and approved legislation to overhaul the nation's intelligence system. The Senate is expected to follow suit today.

But the compromises that went into creating a director of national intelligence have left many government officials and espionage experts skeptical that key reforms will amount to more than an administrative reshuffling - or will make the nation any safer.

Follow suit表示“跟着出同花色的牌,跟着做,仿效别人”,例如:One shop began to prolong the shop hours, and all other shops along the same street followed suit.(一家店铺开始延长营业时间,同一条街上的其他商店也都照方抓药。)

