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英国《星期日泰晤士报》19日披露,萨达姆律师团成员、英国著名人权律师克莱夫·斯塔福·史密斯撰写了题为《代表“胜利者的公道”的特别法庭——整个程序固有的非法性和偏见》的辩护状,要求依照美国法律审判萨达姆,保证他能得到与其他美国被告一样的基本法律权利,例如与律师会面、法官和陪审团保持独立等。外电报道如下:Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is preparing a legal challenge in the United States to his trial for war crimes, a newspaper reports, citing leaked papers prepared by his defense team.

Clive Stafford Smith, a British human rights lawyer, has prepared a 50-page brief which contains advice to take the case to US courts to ensure he receives a fair trial, the Sunday Times reported after saying it had seen the document.

The action is to ensure that Saddam receives the basic legal rights given to those tried in the United States, such as full access to his defense team and an independent judge and jury, the newspaper said.

It said the leaked brief is entitled "The Iraqi Special Tribunal as Victors' Justice -- the Inherent Illegality and Bias of the Whole Process."


