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The Chinese mainland is highly vigilant against the development of the situation and prepared for any complications. 中国大陆将高度关注事态发展,随时准备应对可能出现的复杂局面。

Such a move is a dangerous step toward "Taiwan independence".是走向“台独”的危险一步。

a serious provocation to the one-China principle universally observed by the international community. 对国际社会普遍坚持的一个中国原则的严重挑衅。

We are ready to strive for peaceful reunification with our utmost sincerity and utmost efforts. 我们愿以最大诚意、尽最大努力,争取和平统一。

But we will never tolerate "Taiwan independence". We will never allow anyone to split Taiwan from China by any means." 我们绝不会容忍“台独”,绝不允许任何人、以任何方式把台湾从中国分裂出去。

condemnation and contempt from the international community国际社会的谴责和蔑视

It will for sure "end up in shameful failure必将遭到可耻的失败。

Cairo Declaration, Potsdam Declaration and No. 2758 Resolution of the United Nations《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》和联合国大会第2758号决议

send no erroneous signals to "Taiwan independence" elements不向“台独”势力发出错误信号

to strengthen mutual understanding, expand common ground, deepen mutual trust, promote cooperation, and properly settle our differences增进了解,扩大共识,加深互信,发展合作,妥善处理分歧

launch the next round of consultation展开下一轮的磋商

Sino-US trade relations should not be politicized.中美贸易关系不应政治化。

legislative, judicial, law-enforcement and educational fields立法、司法、执法和教育等诸多方面

handle trade mark infringement cases查处商标侵权案件

The Chinese people unswervingly pursue a path of peaceful development中国人民坚定不移的走和平发展的道路。

its development does not pose a threat to any country它的发展不对任何国家构成危险。

The crucial problem challenging Sino-Japanese political relations now当前中日关系的关键问题

an amoral and "stupid" thing没有道德和愚蠢的事

five-point proposal(胡锦涛主席)五点建议

hold the next round of consultation举行下一轮磋商

demarcation disputes over the East China Sea东海划线争端

coastal water areas bearing no dispute没有争议的近海水域

China and other developing countries have similar past, face common challenge and share common interests.中国和其他发展中国家具有类似的经历,面临着同样的挑战,有着共同的利益。

to the best of our ability /within its capacity 力所能及

safeguard the legitimate rights of the developing countries维护发展中国家的合法权益

enhancing the representation of the developing world增加发展中国家的代表性

build a well-off society in an all-round way全面建设小康社会

observe the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and the principle of "land for peace"遵守联合国有关决议和“土地换和平”原则

strengthen China"s capability of defense and response to emergencies, and to raise the pay of officers and soldiers。加强中国的防御能力、应对紧急事件的能力,以及增加官兵的薪水

budgeted fiscal expenditure财政预算

China and African countries will build a politically supportive, economically win-win and cultural closely-related strategic partnership. 中国和非洲国家将发展政治上平等互信、经济上合作共赢、文化上交流互鉴的新型战略伙伴关系。

Sino-African relations have stood the tests of time and drastic international changes.中非关系经受了时间与国际风云变化的考验。


Serving the people is the essence of China"s diplomacy. 为人民服务是中国外交的宗旨。
