美国之音1500基础听力词汇 F2
fire - v. to shoot a gun; n. the heat and light produced by something burning fireworks - n. rockets producing bright fire in the sky, used in holiday celebrations firm - ad. not easily moved or changed ("She is firm in her opinion.") first - ad. coming before all others fish - n. a creature that lives and can breathe in water fit - v. to be of the correct size or shape ("These shoes fit my feet.") fix - v. to make good or right again flag - n. a piece of colored cloth used to represent a nation, government or organization flat - ad. smooth; having no high places flee - v. to run away from float - v. to be on water without sinking; to move or be moved gently on water or through air flood - v. to cover with water; n. the movement of water out of a river, lake or ocean onto land floor - n. the bottom part of a room for walking on ("The book fell to the floor."); the level of a building ("The fire was on the first floor.") flow - v. to move like a liquid flower - n. the colored part of plants that carry seeds fluid - n. any substance that can flow, such as a liquid fly - v. to move through the air with wings, like a bird or airplane; to travel in an airplane or flying vehicle fog - n. a mass of wet air that is difficult to see through; a cloud close to the ground follow - v. to come or go after; to accept the rule or power of; to obey food - n. that which is taken in by all living things for energy, strength and growth fool - v. to make someone believe something that is not true; to trick; n. a person who is tricked easily foot - n. the bottom part of the leg; the part of the body that touches the ground when a person or animal walks for - prep. because of ("He is famous for his work."); in exchange ("Give me one dollar for the book."); through space or time ("They travelled for one hour."); representative of ("I speak for all people."); to be employed by ("She works for a computer company.") force - v. to make someone do something or make something happen by using power; n. power, strength; strength used against a person or object; military power of a nation; a military group foreign - ad. of, about or from another nation; not from one's own place or country forest - n. a place of many trees forget - v. to not remember forgive - v. to pardon; to excuse; to remove guilt form - v. to make; to start; to shape ("They formed a swim team."); n. a kind ("Swimming is a form of exercise.") former - ad. earlier in time; not now forward - ad. the direction in front of; toward the front free - v. to release; ad. not controlled by another or by outside forces; not in prison; independent; not limited by rules; without cost freedom - n. the condition of being free freeze - v. to cause or to become very cold; to make or to become hard by cold fresh - ad. newly made or gathered; recent |