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Madagascar Periwinkle Herb 长春花
Magnetite 磁石
Maifanite 麦饭石
Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit 补骨脂
Male Fern Rhizome 绵马贯众
Malt 麦芽
Manchurian Lilac Bark 暴马子皮
Manchurian Rhododendron Leaf 照山白
Manchurian Tubergourd Fruit 赤袍子
Manchurian Wildginger 细辛
Manshurian Dutchmanspipe Stem 关木通
Mantis Egg-case 桑螵蛸
Manyflower Gueldenstaedtid Herb 甜地丁
ManyflowerSolomonsealRhizome / Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome / King Solomonseal Rhizome 黄精
Manyprickle Acanto-Panax Root 刺五加
Mary Rhododendron Leaf and Twig 紫花杜鹃
Matteuccia Fern Rhizome  荚果蕨贯众
Meadowrue Root and Rhizome 马尾连
Medcinal Evodia Fruit 吴茱萸
Medicated Leaven 六神曲
Medicinal Changium Root 明党参
Medicinal Cyathula Root 川牛膝
Medicinal Indianmulberry Root 巴戟天
Medicine Terminalia Fruit 诃子
Membranous Milkvetch Root / 黄芪
Mongolian Milkcetch Root
Mexican Tea Herb 土荆芥
Mile Swertia Herb 青叶胆
Mirabilite 芒硝
Moellendorf's Spidemoss Herb 地柏枝
Mole Cricket 蝼蛄
Mongolian Dandelion Herb 蒲公英
Mongolian Snakegourd Root 天花粉
Mongollian Thyme Herb 地椒
Motherwort Fruit 茺蔚子
Motherwort Herb 益母草
Mountain Dragon  古山龙
Mountain Spicy Tree Fruit 毕澄茄
Mountain Yam Rhizome 山萆解
Mulberry Fruit 桑椹
Mulberry Leaf 桑叶
Mulberry Twig  桑枝
Mullein Mightbrier Leaf 假烟叶
Mus Covite 云母
Musk 麝香
Muskmelon Base 甜瓜蒂
Muskmelon Seed 甜瓜子
Muskroot-like Semiaquilegia Root 天葵子
Myrrh 没药

Nacre  珍珠母
Nakedflower Beautyberry Leaf 裸花紫珠
Nardostachyos Root and Rhizome 甘松
Narrowleaf Screwtree Root 山芝麻
Natant Salvinia Herb 槐叶苹
Natural Indigo 青黛
Negundo Chastetree Fruit 黄荆子
Negundo Chastetree Leaf 黄荆叶
Ningpo Yam Rhizome  穿山龙
Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome 香附
Nutmeg 肉豆蔻
Nux Vomica  马钱子
