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OFDM(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,直角频率部分多路复用)
OJI: Open Java VM Interface,开放JAVA虚拟机接口
OLGA(Organic Land Grid Array,基板栅格阵列)
OoO(Out of Order,乱序执行)
OPT: Optimized Production Technology,优化生产技术
P3P(Privacy Preference Project,个人私隐安全平台)
P64H(64-bit PCI Controller Hub,64位PCI控制中心)
Parallel Processing Perspective Engine(平行透视处理器)
partial texture downloads(并行纹理传输)
PC(Perspective Correction,透视纠正)
PCAV(Part Constant Angular Velocity,部分恒定角速度)
PCB(printed circuit board,印刷电路板)
PCBA(Printed Circuit Board Assembly,印刷电路板装配)
PCI SIG(Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group,互连外围设备专业组)
PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect,互连外围设备
PDA(Personal Digital Assistant,个人数字助理)
PDS: Public Directory Support,公众目录支持
PGA: Pin Grid Array(引脚网格阵列),耗电大,适用用台式机
PGA: Pin-Grid Array(引脚网格阵列),耗电大
PGA: Pin-Grid Array(引脚网格阵列),耗电大
PGC(Parallel Graphics Configuration,并行图像设置)
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy,优良保密协议
PIB(Processor In a Box,盒装处理器)
PIB: Processor In a Box(盒装处理器)
PIC(Programmable Interrupt Controller,可编程中断控制器)
PICS: Platform for Internet Content Selection,因特网内容选择平台
PIIX: PCI ISA/IDE Accelerator(加速器)
PIM: Personal Information Management,个人信息管理系统
pin: CPU的针脚 PLL: Phase Lock Loop(阶段锁定)
PIO(Programmed Input Output,可编程输入输出模式)
PIROM:Processor Information ROM,处理器信息ROM
pixel(Picture element,图像元素,又称P像素,屏幕上的像素点)
PLEDM: Phase-state Low Electron(hole)-number Drive Memory
PNP: Plug and Play,即插即用
POF: Polymer Optical Fiber,聚合体光纤
point light(一般点光源)
point sampling(点采样技术,又叫邻近MIP映射)
POP3: Post Office Protocol Version 3,第三版电子邮局协议
Porous Tungsten(活性钨)
POST(Power On Self Test,加电自测试)
PPGA(Plastic Pin Grid Array,塑胶针状矩阵封装)
PPGA(Plastic Pin Grid Array,塑胶针状矩阵封装)
PPTP: Point to Point Tunneling Protocol,点对点通道协议
PQFP(Plastic Quad Flat Package)
PQFP(Plastic Quad Flat Package,塑料方块平面封装)
PR(Performance Rate,性能比率)
PR: P-rating,是一种额定性能指数,以Winstone 96测试为基本(PR2用Winstone97), 如PR-75即相当于奔腾75 RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computing(精简指令结构),是相对于CISC而言的 ROB: Reorder Buffer(重新排序缓冲区)
Precise Pixel Interpolation,精确像素插值
PRML(Partial Response Maximum Likelihood,最大可能部分反应,用于提高磁盘读写传输率)
Procedural textures(可编程纹理)
PSE36: Page Size Extension 36-bit,36位页面尺寸扩展模式
PSN(Processor Serial numbers,处理器序列号)
PSN(Processor Serial numbers,处理器序列号)
PSU(Power Supply Unit,计算机电源)
PXB: PCI Expander Bridge,PCI增强桥
