attaching button and buttonhole tape: 缝合钮扣和钮孔垫带 attaching button: 缝钮扣 animal bone button,animal horn button: 动物骨钮扣 angular 2 hole button: 角形双眼钮扣 bakelite button: 电木钮扣 Bar button:杆状钮扣 Blazer button:外衣式大钮扣 brass button nickelled: 镀镍铜钮扣 Button:钮扣 Buttonless: 没有钮扣的 button knot: 扣结,钮扣结 button with prismatic shank: 棱柱柄钮扣 button mo(u)ld: 包钮扣芯 button sew: 钉钮扣 buttonstick: 钮扣垫板 button strip: 钮扣加固带 Button fastening/ Button sewing/fastener attaching:钉钮扣 buttonhole scissors,buttonhole cutter: 开钮扣剪刀 button hook: 钮扣钩 Button tray:钮扣盘 button-through: (衣服)从上到下都有钮扣(的) button wrap: (同button stand)扣位,钮扣座;叠门,搭门,钮扣搭门 Button-down collar:领尖钉有钮扣的领子,扣结领 Button-down skirt:前开襟有钮扣的裙子 Buttonhole:钮扣孔,扣眼 buttonhole and button closing: 带钮孔和钮扣的门襟 bouton D'orelle[:法]钮扣型耳环 button grip: 钮扣夹 button opening: 钮扣开门 button tension test Caraco:(18世纪后期)女式短上衣,一拉扣上衣(上半身合体并有腰褶,前一摆短于后下摆,后下摆超过臀部) Cardigan:羊毛衫[前有钮扣的毛线编织背心],开襟绒线衫,毛织夹克 Clasp coat:抱合式大衣[女式无钮扣,用手抱合] crocheted button: 钩编钮扣 Coat dress:开襟明钮女式长服,外套式连裙装,开襟(钮扣式)连衣裙,(从领口到下摆有一排扣子的)女式紧式外衣,外套式连裙装 Cuff button:袖口钮扣 cheese plate: 大的钮扣 dot button: 打点钮扣 Elastic braid with button hole:带钮扣眼的松紧带 Eye button hole:圆头钮扣孔 evelet shank button: 带孔钮柄钮扣 |