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1. The box office took in over 100 million in the first two weeks.


Box office 指的是卖票的地方,不管是卖球票还是卖电影票的地方,都可以称作 box office。例如跟朋友约好去看电影,你可以说:"I'll see you at the box office." 那就是说,我们在卖票的地方见面。此外,box office 也可以用来指电影或球赛的"票房",或是卖座的情况。例如,"Can you believe that? Scary Movie actually did very well at the box office." (你能相信吗?Scary Movie 这部片子的票房卖座居然非常地好。)注意到了没,老美说一部电影的票房很好,不是用 "The box office is very good." 而是用 a movie did very well (at the box office),別搞错了。

如果要提到实际的票房收入,则不妨用 took in 或是 grossed 这两个动词 (均为过去式),例如,"Over the weekend, the top 10 movies grossed over 100 million at the box office." (排名前十名的电影周末票房总收入超过 1 亿美元。) 或是 "The box office of the top 10 movies took in over 100 million over the weekend."

2. Who do you think is going to win the Academy Award for Best Actor this year?


我注意到很多人看到 Academy Award 时都无法联想到这个词指的就是奥斯卡金像奖,实在是个有趣的现象。因为他们把奥斯卡金像奖都直接翻成了 Oscar Award,但事实上比较常听到的用法应该是 Academy Award 才对,Oscar 其实是那座小金人的名字。但有时候 Oscars (加上 -s) 也可指奥斯卡颁奖典礼 (Academy Award ceremony)。比方说 "Who do you think is going to win the Academy Award, umm.. I mean, Best Actor at the Oscars this year?" (你认为谁会在奥斯卡颁奖典礼赢得今年的最佳男主角?) 当奥斯卡颁奖嘉宾宣布获奖得主的时候,通常说的是:"The Oscar goes to…"

通常一部好的电影都会标示自己有哪几项被提名 (Academy Award nominations),实际获奖 (winner of...) 的又有哪些,诸如 Best Picture (最佳影片),Best Actor (最佳男主角),Best Actress (最佳女主角),Best Cinematography (最佳摄影),Best Costume Design (最佳服装设计) 等等。除了 Academy Award 之外,国际上知名的 Golden Globe (金球奖) 和由柏林国际影展(Berlinale International Film Festival) 所颁的 Golden Bear (金熊奖),以及戛纳电影节(Cannes Film Festival)颁发的金棕榈奖(Palme d'or)也是在看电影宣传时常会见到的字眼
