nonperforming loans 不良贷款
日前,银监会发布数据称,上半年我国银行业不良贷款再次实现双降。截至6月末我国全部商业银行不良贷款余额为12827.2亿元,不良贷款率下降为7.5%,抵御风险能力继续增强。 请看《中国日报》相关报道:China's commercial banks reduced their ratio of nonperforming loans to total lending to 7.5 percent by June, amid signs a campaign to improve risk controls may be making progress, the banking regulator reported. The total value of bad loans fell to 1.28 trillion yuan ($160.6 billion) by the end of June, down 3.6 percent from the end of last year, the report said. “不良贷款”的常见表达有两种:nonperforming loans或dead loans.就语言色彩而言,nonperforming loans比dead loans更为形象、生动。 “不良贷款”指银行在一定期限内不能按期收回的贷款,其原因往往是借款企业因经营不善而导致无力偿还。言外之意,贷出的款项没有起到应起的作用,“钱没能生出更多的钱”,由此,nonperforming(未履行职责的,未完成任务的)恰到好处地道出了“不良贷款”的内涵。 另外,再提两个有关贷款的表达:idle loans(呆帐),overdue loans(逾期贷款),mortgage loans(按揭贷款)。 |