T 摊销amortize 摊销进度表amortization schedule 套期保值 hedge (对)特定对象直接销售 private placement 特别优先权规则 special priority rules 特殊目的实体special purpose entity(SPE) 特殊预提税 particular withholding tax 特许权franchise (持有)特许权(的)期间 concession period 特许使用权费royalties 特许 concession, license (融资租赁)特有的三边关系 distinctive triangular relationship 提交 tender 提留 retention, withhold (为)提前结束(租赁协议而作的)支付 lease termination payment 提前结束任择权 ETO(early termination option) 提前结束时的罚金erlay termination penalty 提前结束 early termination 提前买断EBO (early buyout) 提取准备金 provisioning 替代的服务者 replacement servicers 替换件replacements (用附加税)填补(福利开支)clawback (可)填补空缺(的)市场niche market 条款 provisions 铁路车辆的短期租赁 trip leases 通行费toll 通用车队common carriage 通用性commonality 通用租赁文本universal lease document.tion 通货紧缩deflation 同客户持续而紧密的接触 continuous and close customer contact 同期利率coterminous rate 同义词synonyms 同意consent 同意或非经同意的留置权 consensual or non-consensual lien 同质性homogeneity (卖主的对谁都一样的)统一销售计划 one-off program "捅破公司的面纱" piercing the corporate veil 投标申请书request for proposal 投入税 input tax 投资等级信用评级investment grade credit rating 投资公司investment company 投资回报investment return 投资净损失中的权益 equity in net loss of invests 投资人investors (投资)组合 portfolio 推定出售 constructive sale 推进程序roll-out process 推论 presumption 推土机 bulldoze 退出 denunciation (物理性能的)退化physical deterioration 退租设备off-lease equipment 托收 collection 拖欠delinquencies 拖延的持续时间duration of delay T型账户 T-account W 外包outsourcing (电脑的)外部设备peripheral 外国投资的易受控制程度amenability to foreign investment 网络联接器件 network connection device 网络networks 完善perfection 委托人信托 grantor trust 委托人 grantors 维持费用carrying amount 维修保养合同maintenance contract (飞机发动机的)维修间隔期 maintenance interval 维修计划书MPD(maintenance planning document. 违约 default 伪装的租赁资产买入人(指融资租赁的承租人)disguised purchaser of the leased asset 未被全额担保的债权人undersecured creditor 未交付 non-delivery 未决程序proceedings pending 未来的现金流 future cash flow 未来租赁付款future lease payment 未实现财务收益 unearned finance income (经营租赁中)未摊销的余值unamortized residual value 文件制作及提供document.tion 文据instrument 窝工时间down time 无担保的残值unguaranteed residual value 无担保的债权人unsecured creditor 无信用等级的unrated 无形权益 intangible benefit 无形资产intangible assets 物权real rights 五个不同的框架 (指租赁交易的环境条件)five different frameworks |