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Osaka Securities Exchange 大阪证券交易所
Oslo Stock Exchange 奥斯陆证券交易所
O.T.B. Card Co. Ltd. 海外信用卡有限公司
ounce troy 金衡安士
outflow of capital 资本外流;资金外流
outflow of fund 资金外流
outflow of money 资金外流
outgoing partner 退出的合伙人
outgoings 支出
outgoings and expenses 支出及开支
outlay 费用;开支;支出
outlying business district 市区外商业区
out-of-hours trading 在正式交易时间以外的交易
out-of-pocket expenses 实付费用;付现费用
out-of-the-money option 无价期权;价外期权
outport collection 外埠代收款项
output 产出;产值;产量
outside dealing 场外买卖;场外交易
outstanding 未偿还;尚未支付
outstanding account 未清帐项;未清帐目
outstanding allocation 应拨未拨的款项
outstanding amount 未偿还的数额
outstanding balance 未清帐款;未清余额
outstanding bill 未偿付票据;未兑现票据
outstanding borrowing 未清偿债项
outstanding claim portfolio 未决申索组合
outstanding commitment 尚未支付的承担额
outstanding derivatives contract 尚未平仓的衍生工具合约
outstanding loan 尚未清还的贷款
outstanding negotiable certificate of deposit 未兑现的可转让存款证
outstanding tax 欠税
outstanding uncapitalized interest 尚未支付且未化作本金的利息
outturn 结算;结算数字
outward documentary bill 出口跟单汇票
outward remittance 汇出汇款
over and above inflation 减除通胀因素
overall average internal rate of return 平均总体内部回报率
overall Consumer Price Index 总体消费物价指数
overall domestic export 本地产品出口总额
overall growth rate 整体增长率;总增长率
overall investment 总投资额;总体投资
overall liquidity ratio 总体流动资金比率
overall price relative 全面相对价格
overall surplus 总盈余
overall tally 全面总计
overbuying 超买;买空
over-commitment 超额承担
overdraft 透支
overdraft by banks abroad 海外银行同业透支
overdraft by banks in foreign countries 外国银行同业透支
overdraft by local banks 本港银行同业透支
overdraft by outport banks 外埠银行同业透支
overdraft of an account 户口透支
overdraft on banks 向银行同业透支
overdraft on banks abroad 向海外银行同业透支
overdraft on banks in foreign countries 向外国银行同业透支
overdraft on local banks 向本港银行同业透支
overdraft on outport banks 向外埠银行同业透支
overdraft secured 抵押透支
overdue 逾期
overdue loan 过期贷款
over-employed economy 过度活跃的经济
overhang 剩余承担;未完成的承担额;过剩额
overhead 间接费用;间接成本
overhead cost 间接成本
overheated economy 过热的经济
overheated market 过热的市场
overnight Hong Kong interbank offered rate 香港银行同业隔夜拆息率
overnight liquidity assistance 隔夜流动资金贷款
overnight margin 隔夜保证金;隔夜按金
overnight money 隔夜拆借资金;隔夜钱
overnight position 隔夜头寸
overnight rate 隔夜利率
overpaid amount 多缴数额
overpayment of contribution 多缴供款
overrun 超支
overrun cost 超额费用
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. 华侨银行有限公司
overseas bank 海外银行
overseas banking corporation 海外银行法团
overseas branch 海外分行
Overseas Companies Section [Companies Registry] 海外公司注册组〔公司注册处〕
overseas currency balance 海外货币结余
overseas financial institution 海外财务机构
overseas interest 海外利息
overseas investment 海外投资
overseas market 海外市场
overseas representative office 海外代表办事处
Overseas Trust Bank Ltd. 海外信托银行有限公司
Overseas Union Bank Ltd. 华联银行
overselling 超卖;卖空
oversight of markets 监察市场
over-spending 超额支出;超支
overtax 超额征税;征税过重
over-the-counter derivative 场外交易衍生工具
over-the-counter market 场外交易市场
over-the-counter trading 场外交易;柜台交易
over-the-counter transaction 场外交易;柜台交易
overtrading 过量交易
owner-occupier allowance 自住业主津贴
ownership 所有权;拥有权
ownership in common 分权共有权
