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危害不立刻显出Harmful not immediately apparent
吸入:严重腐蚀呼吸系统 Inhalation: severely corrosive to respiratory system
皮肤接触:腐蚀性,严重的皮肤烧伤不立刻显出、疼痛, 延迟8小时或更长:很快渗透皮肤-内肤与骨骼 skin contact: corrosive, serious skin burns not immediately apparent/painful, delay 8 hours or longer: F ion readily penetrate skin - deep tissue and bone
健康危害 Health hazard
眼睛接触:腐蚀 Eye contact: corrosive
慢性暴露:>6 毫升/天- 氟蚀病,骨骼/关节伤害 chronic exposure: >6gm/day - fluorosis, bone/joint damage…
吞入:腐蚀消化系统,肾功能失效 ingestion: corrosive digestive tract, kidney dysfunction
恶化现有情况 aggravation existing conditions
急救 First aid
工作前要有详细计划 Detailed planned before work
吸入:立刻寻求医务治疗 inhalation: immediate medical help
吞入: 立刻寻求医务治疗 ingestion: immediate medical help
皮肤:长时间清洗,除去衣服….. 立刻寻求医务治疗 skin: wash long time, remove clothing, …..medical help
眼睛: 长时间清洗 ….. 立刻寻求医务治疗 eye: wash long time …..medical help
预安排医务治疗 Pre-arrange medical help
通知/预先安排可能的事件 Inform/prearrange possible incident
备好药物/设备 ready medicines/facilities
知识/物料安全资料表 information/MSDS
信件通知医生 note to physician
处理和贮藏 Handling and storage
紧密闭PE容器 Tightly closed PE container
凉爽/乾燥地方足够通风 cool/dry place adequate ventilation
避免损害 protect damage
围堵/泄漏 containment/spill
特殊材料 /供应商科技 special materials/technology from supplier
遵守/跟随警告 observe/follow warning
使用安全防护用品 Use PPE
定点/全面通风设备 Local preferred/general ventilation
消除热、火源 remove ignition source
泄漏 - 疏散地区 spill - evacuate area
处理- 干碳酸镁,碳酸钠,石灰 treat - dry MgSO4, soda ash/slaked lime
收集 - 废物处理 collect - disposal
清理/中和 clean/neutralize
个人的保护 Personal protection
防毒面具,正确类型 Respiratory, correct type
皮肤:防护衣服,长靴,安全鞋, PVC手套, 化学眼罩 /面罩,围裙 skin: protective clothing, boots/safety shoes, PVC gloves, chemical goggles/full face shield, coveralls….
眼睛:眼罩/面罩 Eye: goggles/full face shield
毒药,危险物,腐蚀剂 Poison, danger, corrosive
极端危险的液体/气体 extremely hazardous liquid/vapor
严重烧伤不立刻痛苦/显出 sever burn not immediate painful/visible
致命如吞下或吸进 fatal if swallowed or inhaled
烧伤皮肤,眼睛,呼吸系统 burn skin, eyes, respiratory tract
造成骨骼伤害 cause bone damage
避免进入眼睛,皮肤,衣服 Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing
不要吸入气体 do not breath vapor
凉后才打开 cool before opening
足够通风 adequate ventilation
彻底洗清手 wash hand thoroughly
贮藏在紧密关上容器 store in tightly close container
绝对遵守指示、警告 Strictly follow instruction/precaution
绝对使用个人防护用品 Always use PPE
