
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语词汇英语基础内容详情


Adenovirus  腺病毒
Affected area 疫区
Antiviral 抗病毒
Avian influenza (bird flu) 禽流感
Bilateral pulmonary multiple change 双肺多发性改变
Blood count, 血细胞计数
blood cultures, 血培养
sputum cultures,痰培养
Bronchitis 支气管炎
Bronchopneumonia 支气管肺炎
Carrier 携带者
Case definition 诊断标准
Category B notifiable disease 乙类传染病
Causative virus 致病病毒
Chest X-rays 胸透
Chlamydia 衣原体
Chlamydia inclusion body 衣原体包含体
Clinical symptoms 临床特征
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) 社区获得性或群落性肺炎
Coronavirus 冠状病毒
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing 打喷嚏、咳嗽时用纸巾捂住口鼻
Cross-tabulation of the various specimens 样本列表交叉对比
Disinfectant or a diluted bleach 消毒剂或漂白溶剂
Epidemiological study, 流行病学调查
clinical diagnosis, 核实诊断
field investigation and sampling, 现场取样
lab testing,实验室检查
Fluoroquinolones and their derivatives (e.g. levofloxacin),多西环素(如:脱氧土霉素)
Tetracyclines (e.g. doxycycline)四环素(强力霉素)
Macrolide 大环内酯类
Etiology 病原学
Expectoration 咳痰
Face mask 口罩
Flake-like infiltrated shadow 片状浸润阴影
Gene fragment cloned into a bacteria 克隆到细菌的基因片段
Genomic sequencing of the virus 病毒的基因排序
Good personal hygiene 良好个人卫生
Good ventilation 通风
Health care settings/facilities 医疗机构
Hemorrhagic fever 流行性出血热
Hospital accident and emergency dept. 急诊室
Idiopathic 自发性
Incubation period 潜伏期
Interstitial inflammation change 间质性炎症改变
Isolation Order 隔离令
Legionella 军团菌
Leptospriosis 钩端螺旋体病
Liquid soap 洗手液
lobarpneumonia 典型大叶性肺炎
Mechanical ventilation 人工呼吸
Mutate 突变
Mycoplasma 支原体
(Neurological syndromes): (神经综合症):
meningitis,  脑膜炎
myelitis, 脊髓炎
Non-specifity 非特异性
Notice to Strengthen the Control of Respiratory Diseases in Spring 《加强春季呼吸道传染病防治工作的通知》
Notifiable disease 法定传染病
Oxygen supplementation 补氧
Para-chlamydia 副变异性衣原体
Paramyxo virus 副粘液病毒
Pathogen 病原体
Pharyngitis 咽炎
Pneumococcus 肺炎球菌
Primary case
Imported case 原发性病例,输入性病例
Prognosis 预后诊断
Protective antibody 保护抗体
Pulmonary anthrax  肺炭疽
Pulmonary plague 肺鼠疫
Quarantine Ordinance 检疫令
Radix Isatidis granules 板蓝根冲剂
Reagent 试剂
Respiratory tract infection 呼吸道感染
Ribavirin (a broad spectrum antiviral drug) 三氮唑核苷,利巴韦林(广谱抗生药) (广谱抗生药)
Richettsia 立克次体
Seek early medical advice 早就医
Sentinel point 哨点
Serological testing 血清学检查
Status of the disease 疫情
Steroid treatment 类固醇疗法
Strain 病毒株
Streptococcus (a bacteria causing classical pneumonia) 链球菌
Surveillance center 监控中心
Symptoms: fever, chills, headache, body ache, coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, muscular stiffness, loss of appetite (anorexia), rash, diarrhea, malaise, hemolytic anemia 症状:萎靡不振,溶血性贫血
Technical protocols 技术方案、规范
Transmitted by droplets and direct contact with a patient's secretions 近距离飞沫和接触传播
Virology 病毒学
