特殊的国与国关系 special state-to-state relations 列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录 be inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO 当地的土家族 the native Tujia ethnic group 俄罗斯的“两个海洋战略” Russia's "Two-Ocean Stradegy" 中小企业技术革新基金 The Technological Innovation Fund for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises 中国“硅谷” China's "Silicon Valley" BENEDICT, n. [alter, of Benedick] a newly married man who has long been a bachelor. [based on the Shakespearean character from Much Ado About Nothing] 长期单身而新近结婚的男子
e-commerce: 电子商业行为 e-zine: 电子形式的杂志性行为 flame : 在网络的讨论群里,因为意见不和,向人放炮、骂阵。 IMHO: In My Humble Opinion 以我个人的浅见而言。
Big-eyed:【adj】 one who eats when s/he is not hungry; greedy. e.g. If I see food, I want to eat it. I'm so big-eyed. CabSat = cable and satelite 有线及卫星? 例句:The latest ACNielsen CabSat survey shows that the economic downturn has slowed down growth in the cable and satelite market in ASia. high roller:云霄飞车(翻滚列车) 中国足球甲A联赛: The National Football League Group A Competitions CFA:The Chinese Football Association中国足球协会 grand touring car:【名词】高级跑车 havoc:【名】大乱,混乱,浩劫 arcane:【形容词】晦涩难懂的,神秘的 E-trade:电子商务 electronic trading head-on crash :正面撞击 an utter beginner:初学者,一窍不通者 AUDIOPHILE, 【名词】音响器材发烧友. One who loves and collects audio equipment and media [compound from L. audio 'hear' and G. phile 'loving'] Context and source: "Being an audiophile, I own an 8 track player, phonograph, cassette player, CD player, DAT recorder, and a Minidisc player." ARTSY, 【adj】做作的,. pretending to be artistic. Overly artistic. [Compound of arts + 'y' (adjectival ending, "have the characteristic of")] JAPANIMATION, 【名】. 日本卡通、日本动画。A type of cartoon or animation originating in Japan carrying robotic and futuristic themes. Also refers to the style of animation. The characters have a distinctive type of appearance, usually incorporating a lock of hair hanging in front of an eye, and nudity. Also known as anime. [Blend of Japan and animation]. ANDROPAUSE (OR VIROPAUSE) 【名】 The end of virility. [blend of virility and menopause]:绝精 Euro:【名】欧元(欧洲统一货币) All-in-one:【电脑】软驱、CD-ROM、MODEM等都集成在笔记本电脑主机上 bummer beat【名】新闻记者对突发、灾难事件所做的采访 yada-yada-yada【名】胡说八道 confrontation n.对审;面对面;面对;对质 sanctions n.制裁 embargo n.封港令;禁运 vt.禁止出入港口;禁运 miscellanea n.杂集;杂录 Saddam Hussein 萨达姆·侯赛因 UNSCOM 【名词】联合国武器调查特别委员会 ballistic missile【名词】弹道导弹 Scud missiles 【名】飞毛腿导弹 Kurdish a.库德人的 n.库德语 Richard Butler 【人名】 理查德·巴特勒 impeach vt.存疑;归咎;怀疑;检举;弹劾 perjury n.伪誓;伪证 obstruction n.障碍;妨碍;闭塞 misdemeanors adj.寡过 intern n.实习医师;被拘留者 vi.作实习医师 impeachment n.责难;弹劾 Capitol n.国会大厦;州议会大厦;(古罗马的)主神殿 Operation Desert Fox 【名词】沙漠之狐行动 in execute mode 【名词】临战状态 氧吧:【名词】Oxygen Bar(提供纯度较高的氧气plain/pure oxygen供顾客呼吸,在中间加入水果香味,可治疗偏头痛、感冒等,也能提神醒脑); Viagra:【名词】伟哥(威尔钢),目前最新最流行的壮阳药,是由美国Pfizer公司生产的; educationese:【名词】教育学术语,教育学用语; videot:【名词】沙发电视族(couch potato) in-word:【名词】新口头禅 cyperpet or cyper pet:【名词】电子宠物 bloviate:【动词】大放厥词,高谈阔论;又臭又长地说或写 immanentism: 〈哲学〉内在主义,内在论;〈宗教〉上帝无所不在说 政教合一:Caesaropapism 自然推理演算:Calculus of nature inference Byzantinism: 拜占庭主义(风格) 论证的焦点:burning question 人的脆弱性:human vulnerability hyperbulia: (n.) 意志过强
wog:wog作【名词】时, 1.〈英俚〉(贬义)阿拉伯人,(非白种)的外国人; 2.(澳大利亚俚语〉病毒,寄生虫;疾病或流感。
而当wog作【不及物动词】时,意思却是“时慢时快地跑步”,一种健身的方式,是w(alk)+(j)og组成;这时的名词形式是wogging. three K's : 脏、难险的低薪工种。指日语中的kitanai(dirty), kitsui(tough), kiken(risky);
liberal arts: 有两种含义,一是指大学文科,诸如文学、历史、语言、哲学等区别于技术学科或者职业教育学科; 二是指古罗马中世纪大学的文科七艺:语法、修辞、逻辑、算术、几何、音乐、天文。
Guru: 印度教的导师,某行当的高手…… gazetteer:地名辞典;(公报)记者 Hi-Liter:重点提示笔 颉颃(XIE HANG):书面语,指鸟上下飞。泛指不相上下,相抗衡。
Pie in the sky:此语直译为“天国的馅饼”,源自美国流行作曲家、IWW世界产业工人联盟的组织者JOE HILL(1879-1915)在1911年所作的第一首著名歌曲《传教士与奴隶》(The Preacher and the Slave)。他在歌中写到: “You will eat, bye and bye, In the glorious land above the sky! Work and pray, live on hay, You'll get PIE IN THE SKY when you die!” (不久你将在天上的圣地就餐。劳动吧!祈祷吧!靠干草过活吧!死后你就会得到天国的馅饼!)
这几句歌词是Joe Hill从美国救世军军歌中引用过来的,他意在讽刺这个宗教组织,揭露其欺骗性。后来人们就用a pie in the sky 比喻“死后的幸福”、“渺茫的希望”、“不能保证实现的允诺”等意思。