
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语词汇英语基础内容详情


假市  false market
做价  kiting
停止过户期间  book closure period
停市措施  speed bump
停板  trading halt
停牌  suspended trading; suspension
兜售证券  hawking of securities
副保荐人(创业板)  co-sponsor(GEM)
「勒束式」股票挂钩票据  Range Equity Linked Instrument (Range ELI)
勒束式组合(期权)  strangle(options)
动态对冲  dynamic hedging
区域网络  Local Area Network (LAN)
参考平衡成交量  Indicative Equilibrium Volume (IEV)
参考平衡价格  Indicative Equilibrium Price (IEP)
参考发行价  indicated issue price
参与者自设系统  Participant Supplied System (PSS)
参与者资料提取系统(期货)  Participant Access Services(futures)
参与者网间连接器  Participant gateway
「啤打」系数  beta coefficient
商人银行  merchant bank
《商品交易所(禁止经营)条例》  Commodity Exchanges (Prohibition) Ordinance
商品交易商  commodities dealer
《商品交易条例》  Commodities Trading Ordinance
商品期货交易委员会(美国)  Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)(US)
商业承兑汇票  trade acceptance
商业票据  commercial paper
商业登记证  business registration certificate
商议佣金  negotiated commission
商誉  goodwill
问责  accountability
问题证券  defective securities
国内生产总值  gross domestic product (GDP)
国民生产总值  gross national product (GNP)
国有资产监督管理委员会  State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC)
国家工商局(中国内地)  State Bureau for Industrial and Commercial Administration(Mainland China)
国家外汇管理局(中国内地)  State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)(Mainland China)
国家股 / 国有股(中国内地)  state share(Mainland China)
国家建设债券(中国内地)  National Construction Treasury(Mainland China)
国家科技风险开发事业中心  National Science and Technology Venture Capital Development Center
国家重点建设债券(中国内地)  Priority Construction Treasury (Mainland China)
国家国有资产管理局(中国内地)  State Bureau for State Property Administration(Mainland China)
国家统计局(中国内地)  State Statistics Bureau(Mainland China)
国家税务局(中国内地)  State Taxation Bureau(Mainland China)
(中国内地)  State Economic and Trade Commission
(Mainland China)
国库券  Treasuries
国务院证券委员会(证券委)(中国内地)  State Council Securities Committee (Mainland China)
国债*     government bond
国债期货*  treasury bond futures
国际外汇同业联会  Association Cambiste Internationale
国际收支平衡 / 国际收支差额  balance of payments
国际股票期货及期权  International Stock Futures and Options (ISFO)
国际金融公司  International Finance Corporation (IFC)
国际金融行动专责小组  International Financial Action Task Force
国际掉期业务及衍生投资工具协会  International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
国际货币基金  International Monetary Fund (IMF)
国际期权市场协会  International Options Markets Association (IOMA)
国际结算银行  Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
国际集资市场协会  International Primary Markets Association (IPMA)
国际会计师公会     The Association of International Accountants
国际会计准则  International Accounting Standards (IAS)
国际会计准则委员会  International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC)
国际标准化组织  International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)
国际编码机构协会  Association of National Numbering Agencies(ANNA)
国际证券市场协会  International Securities Markets Association (ISMA)
国际证券交易所联会  World Federation of Exchanges (WFE)
国际证券事务监察委员会组织 (国际证监会组织)  International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
国际证券服务业联会  International Securities Services Association (ISSA)
国际证券号码  International Securities Identification Numbers (ISIN)
国际证券号码编制系统  International Securities Numbering System
国际证监会组织亚太区委员会  Asia Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) of IOSCO
国营企业(中国内地)  state-owned enterprise(Mainland China)
坚定承诺(包销)  firm commitment(underwriting)
执行董事  executive director
执业会计师公会(美国)  Institute of Certified Public Accountants (ICPA)(US)
基本按金(期货)  initial margin(futures)
基金份额持有人*     fund unit holder
基金经理  fund manager
《基金经理操守准则》(证监会)  Fund Manager Code of Conduct(SFC)
基建工程/项目  infrastructure project
基准日  base day
基准收益率曲线  benchmark yield curve
基点  basis point
基础上市文件  base listing document
专用交易系统  proprietary trading system
专用网络系统  proprietary routing terminal
专用线路  dedicated line
专家谘询小组  Advisory Specialist Group
专责监察主任  Designated Compliance Officer
《专业会计师条例》  Professional Accountants Ordinance
专业银行*  specialised bank
《专业操守规例》  Code of Conduct Regulations
《专业操守规则及规例》(刊物)  Professional Conduct Rules and Regulations(publication)
专线网络系统     Proprietary Network System (PNS)
将股票化零为整  jumbomize
将会员制转为股份制  demutualisation
屏幕*  screen
常务委员会  Executive Committee
强制性公积金  Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)
强制性公积金计划管理局  Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA)
强制性收购建议  mandatory bid; mandatory offer
强制补购  compulsory buy-in; forced buy-in
强势美元  strong dollar
从价印花税  ad valorem stamp duty
授权代表  authorised representative
授权书  power of attorney
掉期  swap
挂牌买卖  flotation
挂钩汇率制  pegged rate system
挂盘册  order book
接口费  port fee
接收(期权)  take-up(options)
接受存款公司  deposit-taking company (DTC)
接驳站费用  port fee
接价盘  accept order
控股公司  holding company
控股股东  controlling shareholder
控股权益  controlling interest
控权股东  controlling shareholder
排媒现象  disintermediation
排期申请表格  advance booking form
敏感度分析  sensitivity analysis
救市特别交易征费  "Lifeboat" levy
救市贷款  Lifeboat Loan
斩仓  margin cut; liquidation; forced liquidation
条文  provision
淡仓  short position
净值比率  net worth ratio
净额按金计算  net margining
净额结算  netting
深圳证券交易所  Shenzhen Stock Exchange
深圳证券登记有限公司  Shenzhen Securities Registration Company Limited
深圳证券结算有限公司  Shenzhen Securities Clearing Company Limited
清洗交易  whitewash transaction; wash sale
清算  clearing
清算价  clearing price
清盘  liquidation
浅白语言计划  Project on the Use of Plain Language
浅白语言计划工作小组  Working Group on Plain Language
牵头包销商  lead underwriter
现金交收  cash settlement; cash on delivery (COD)
现金回佣  cash commission rebate; cash rebate
现金收益净值  net present value
现金客户  cash client
现金差额缴款  cash marks
现金流向 / 现金周转  cash flow
现金流动表  cash flow statement
现金流量折现/贴现法  discounted cash flow
现金资产公司  cash company
现金选择  cash alternative
现货月  spot month
现货市场  spot market; cash market; physical market; actual market
现货市场谘询小组  Cash Market Consultative Panel
现货价  spot price; cash price; physical price; actual price
现价  nominal price
《理解股票期权(及其风险)》(刊物)  Understanding Stock Options (and Their Risks)(publication)
理论性参考价格系统(期货)  Theoretical Indicative Pricing System (TIPS)(futures)
产权负担  encumbrances
票面利率  coupon; coupon rate
票面值  par value
票面息率  coupon; coupon rate
票对票方式  "paper-to-paper" arrangement
票据交换所自动转账系统  Clearing House Automated Transfer System (CHATS)
票据交换所自动转账系统付款指示  CHATS Payment Instruction
票据密集交收  paper intensive settlement
移动平均值背驰指标  Moving Average Convergence-Divergence (MACD)
第一上市  primary listing
第一板  main board
第二上市  secondary listing
第二代自动对盘及成交系统(第二代自动对盘系统)  Automatic Order Matching and Execution System / Second Generation (AMS/2)
第二板 / 第二板市场  second board; second market
第三代自动对盘及成交系统(第三代自动对盘系统)  Automatic Order Matching and Execution System / Third Generation (AMS/3)
第三者结算  Third Party Clearing (TPC)
累计/累积利息  accumulated interest
累计/累积利润  accumulated profits
累计/累积折旧  accumulated depreciation
累计/累积垫款  cumulative advance
累计投标制  book building method
细价股  small cap stock; penny stock
细盘撮合系统(美国)  Small Order Entry System; Small Order Execution System (SOES)(US)
细额先到先得  Small Order First-In-First-Out
「终止及停止」令  "cease and desist" order
组合分析仪(期权)  Portfolio Analyser(options)
「组合股」     Exchange Traded Fund
组合盘 / 综合盘  combination order; combo order; composite order
组织大纲  memorandum of association
《组织大纲及章程》  Memorandum and Articles of Association
组织架构检讨指导委员会  Steering Committee on Organisational Review
组织细则  articles of association
组织章程  constitution; articles of association
翌日净额结算系统  next day net settlement system
庄家  market maker
庄家之经销交易  jobbing transaction
庄家名录  Market Maker List
庄家活动  market making
规范声明  normative statement
访客廊  Viewing Gallery
设定增值税  deemed VAT
货币市场  money market
货币交叉盘买卖  cross currency trade
货币供应  money supply
货币政策委员会(中国人民银行)  Monetary Policy Committee(PBOC)
货币基础  monetary base
货币期货  currency futures
货币发行局制度  currency board system
货币经纪  money broker
货币资产  monetary assets
货币权证  currency warrant
货银同步交收  delivery vs payment (DvP)
货银两讫  delivery vs payment (DvP)
货银对付  cash on delivery (COD)
货银对付方式交收  delivery vs payment (DvP)
责任承担  accountability
责任承诺书  responsibility letter
责任声明书  responsibility statement
责务变更  novation
责务变更合约  novated contract
软佣金  soft commission
软货币  soft currency
软着陆  soft landing
透明度  transparency
透视价  "see-through" price
逐项交收  trade-for-trade settlement
通讯线路现况显示行  communication status message line
通货紧缩 / 通缩  deflation
通胀指标货币政策  inflation indexed monetary policy
速动市场  fast market
速动资金  liquid capital
速动资产  liquid asset
造市  market manipulation
造价  price manipulation
连锁关系原则  chain principle
连续竞价  continuous auction
部份完成的买卖指示  partially filled order
部份区域网络  Local Area Network (LAN)
闭端式基金  closed-end fund
阴阳烛图  candlestick chart
备考全面摊薄市盈率  pro forma fully diluted price/earnings ratio
备考报表  pro forma statement
备兑期权  covered option
备兑权证  covered warrant
备兑认购期权  covered call
备抵(会计)  allowance(accounting)
伞子基金  umbrella fund
凯伯里委员会(英国)  Cadbury Committee(UK)
凯伯里报告书(英国)  Cadbury Report(UK)
创新及科技基金  Innovation and Technology Fund
创业板  Growth Enterprise Market (GEM)
创业板上市委员会  GEM Listing Committee
《创业板上市规则》(《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券上市规则》)  GEM Listing Rules(Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited)
《创业板投资者指南》  GEM Investor Guide
创业板指数  Growth Enterprise Index (GEI)
创业基金  venture capital
单一董事会制  unitary board system
单一种股份的衍生认股权证  single share derivative warrant
单一价格竞价市场  single price auction system
单日货币市场  intra-day money market
《单位信托及互惠基金守则》  Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds
单位信托委员会(证监会)  Committee on Unit Trusts(SFC)
单位信托基金  unit trust
单价配对(期权)  netting(options)
报价  quote
报价系统(期货)  Price Reporting System(futures)
报价要求  quote request; request for quote (RFQ)
报价规则  quotation rules
场内交易  pit trading
场内交易产品  exchange traded product
场内规则  on-market rules
场内买卖期权  exchange traded option
场内买卖盘  on-floor order
场外交易  off-floor trading; off-board trading
场外交易议价板 (美国)  OTC Bulletin Board (US)
场外衍生工具  over-the-counter derivative
场外规则  off-market rules
场外期权  over-the-counter option
场外购回股份  off-market share repurchase
场外证券市场  over-the-counter market
孳息  yield
富时指数有限公司(原金融时报指数)  FTSE
帧中继交易网  frame relay trading network
复牌  resumption of trading
《提升香港的金融基础设施报告》  Report on the Enhancement of the Financial Infrastructure in Hong Kong
提升数码资料输送专线  enhanced digital datafeed
提早补购  early buy-in
提呈发售  offer for sale
提高运作的能力  scalable
扬基债券  Yankee bond
换股比率  conversion ratio
换算  translation
散户投资者 / 散户  retail investor
散户经纪  retail broker
普通股  ordinary share
普通债券  straight bond
替任人  alternate
最大差价限额  maximum spread
最少开价数量  minimum quote quantity
最低上落价位  minimum price fluctuation; tick (size)
最低交易数额  minimum transaction size
最低供款额  minimum contribution
最低价格变动  minimum price fluctuation; tick (size)
最低豁免规定  de minimus waiver provision
最初发起人  ultimate originator
最佳成交价  best execution price
最佳价格  best price
最佳价格盘  at-best order
《最佳应用守则》  Code of Best Practice
最后一轮交收处理程序  Final Settlement Run
最后成交价  last recorded price; last traded price
最后行使日  last exercise day
最后结算表  Final Clearing Statement
最后结算价  Final Settlement Price
最后贷款人  lender of last resort
最后复核聆讯  final review hearing
最终用户/使用者  end user
最终受益人  ultimate beneficiary
最终实益持有人  ultimate beneficial holder
最短回复开价时间  minimum response time
期末存货  closing stock
期初存货  opening stock
期货赔偿基金  Futures Compensation Fund
期货赔偿基金委员会(证监会)  Futures Compensation Fund Committee(SFC)
期权  option
期权交付指令  options delivery instruction
期权交易主任  Options Trading Officer
期权交易主任及代表考试  Options Trading Officer and Representative Examinations
期权交易代表  Options Trading Representative
期权交易所参与者  Options Exchange Participant
《期权交易规则》  Options Trading Rules
期权交易确认书  options trade confirmation
期权合约  option contract
期权合约净持仓  net open options contract; net options position
期权系列  option series
期权定价  option valuation
期权定价模式  option pricing model
期权金  premium
期权金成交额  premium turnover
期权长仓合约  long options contract
期权客户协议书  Options Client's Agreement
期权持有人  option holder
期权持仓  option position
期权短仓  short option
期权短仓合约  short options contract
期权结算主任  Options Clearing Officer
期权结算主任考试  Options Clearing Officer Examination
《期权结算规则》  Options Clearing Rules
期权费用  options tariff
期权买方  option buyer
期权买卖交易所参与者  Options Trading Participant
期权经纪交易所参与者  Options Broker Exchange Participant
期权资讯服务  Options Information Service
期权数码资料传送专线  options digital datafeed
期权卖方  option seller; option writer
期权类别  option class
款项交收费  money settlement fee
款项净额结算每日平均效率  daily average funds netting efficiency
款项过户系统  money transfer system
款项预缴服务  cash prepayment service
残值  salvage value
减佣经纪  discount broker
港元同业拆息  Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR)
《港元利率期货市场通讯》  HIBOR Futures Market Update
港元利率期货迭期  HIBOR Futures Strip
港汇指数 / 港元实际汇兑指数  Effective Exchange Rate Index for the Hong Kong Dollar (EERI)
无人申领之经纪佣金  unclaimed brokerage
无力偿债  insolvency
无形资产  intangible asset
无抵押贷款  unsecured loan
无抵押权证  non-collateralised warrant
无风险利率  risk-free interest rate
无风险对冲  delta hedge
无时限盘  good-till-cancelled order (GTC)
无纸化交易  paperless trading; scripless trading
无条件及不可撤回之担保  unconditional and irrevocable guarantee
无条件现金收购建议/要约  unconditional cash offer
无责任声明  disclaimer
无备兑期权  uncovered option
无备兑认购期权  uncovered call
「无超额亏蚀」规则  No-Over-Loss Rules
无价期权形式  tails(options)
无凭证式股东  uncertificated shareholder
无偿债能力  insolvency
条例》提出的修订建议谘询文件》  Consultation Paper on Proposed Amendments to the Companies Ordinance to Facilitate Offers of Shares and Debentures
牌照  licence
登记持有人  registered owner
登记过户费  scrip fee
发行人  issuer
《发行人及专业顾问意见调查》  Issuers and Professional Advisers Survey
发行人可选择支付现金 /
发行人现金选择权  issuer's cash option
发行人登记册  Issuer Register
发行人电子存档系统  issuer electronic filing system
发行红股  scrip issue
发行章程  prospectus
发行量加权股价指数(台湾交易所)  Weighted Index(Taiwan Stock Exchange)
发行新股  new issue
发行资料摘要(权证)  indicative terms sheet(warrants)
发行价  issue price
发行机构  issuer
《发展路向》(刊物)  The Way Forward(publication)
发起人  promoter
发牌资料册  licensing information booklet
发钞局制度  currency board system
发盘价  offer price
短期同业拆放市场  call market
短期资金  short-term money
短期资金借贷市场  money market
短期举债/借贷  short term borrowings
短期证券  short-dated securities
硬货币  hard currency
税后盈利/利润/溢利  after-tax profits
税后实际回报率  after-tax real rate of return
《税务条例》  Inland Revenue Ordinance
税务优惠  tax relief
税项减免  tax break; tax concession
稀释*  dilution
程式买卖/交易  programme trading
程序覆检委员会  Process Review Panel
等价期权  at-the-money option
结清  close out
结构改进  institutional advancement
结算  clearing
结算所  clearing house
结算所电子附属登记系统(澳洲)  Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS)(Australia)
结算协议书  clearing agreement
结算参与者(期权买卖)  Clearing Participant(options trading)
「结算通」电话系统  CCASS Phone System
《结算运作程序 ─ 期权买卖交易所参与者专用》  Operational Clearing Procedures for Options Trading Exchange Participants
结算价  clearing price
结算机构参与者  Clearing Agency Participant
结算谘询小组  Clearing Consultative Panel
《结算纵横》(刊物)  Clear Talk(publication)
结余  balance
结转(会计)  carried forward(accounting)
统一保证金客户协议书  Uniform Margin Client's Agreement
统一现金客户协议书  Uniform Cash Client's Agreement
统一结算所  universal clearing house
统制账户  control account
虚假市场  false market
虚假声明  misstatement
虚售交易;虚卖  wash sale
虚报  misrepresentation
虚拟市场  virtual market
「街名」股票  "street name" share certificate
补充/增补上市文件  supplemental/supplementary listing document
补仓按金(期货)  maintenance margin(futures)
补仓通知  margin call
补发证书服务  certificate replacement service
补购  buy in
注册中介团体  registered intermediary
注册商号  registered firm
注册庄家     Registered Trader
注册融资人  registered financier
注册证券商  registered dealer
注销股份  cancelled share
注释备忘录  explanatory memorandum
贬值  depreciation
买家  bidder
「买者自负」原则  "let the buyer beware" principle;
"Caveat Emptor" (let the buyer beware)
买壳  acquisition of shells
买价 / 买盘价  bid price
买盘  buy order
买卖因公众持股量不足而停牌证券的申报表  Form for Reporting Dealings in Securities Suspended due to Insufficient Public Float
买卖指示  order
买卖差价  bid-asked spread
买卖单位  board lot
买卖单据  contract note
买卖惯例  dealing practice
买卖盘  order
买卖盘纪录  order book
买卖盘纸  deal ticket
买卖盘处理率  order throughput
买卖盘传递  order routing
买卖盘传递系统  Order Routing System (ORS); router system
买卖盘输入  order entry
贷出费  lending fee
贷股人  stock lender
贷股人参与者(中央结算系统参与者)     Stock Lender Participant(CCASS)
贷款抵押证券  collateralised loan obligation (CLO)
贷款股 / 贷款债券  loan stock
贷款银团  loan syndicate
贷款融通     loan facility
贴现  discount
贴现率  discount rate
贴现窗  discount window
超国家机构  supranational entity
超连结  hyperlink
超买  overbought
超卖  oversold
超额配发/配股权  over-allotment option
超额配发机制  over-allotment option scheme
超额认购  oversubscribed; overbooked
跌停板措施  circuit breaker
《周年报告的参考披露资料》(刊物)  Reference for Disclosures in Annual Reports(publication)
进项增值税  input VAT
开市分配时段(HKATS)     open allocation session(HKATS)
开市前分配时段(HKATS)     pre-open allocation session(HKATS)
开市前时段 ;开市前议价时段  pre-opening session
开市报价规则  opening quotations rules
开市价  opening price
开市盘  open order; at-the-opening order
开市议价机制(期货)  Pre-market Opening Mechanism(futures)
开放式基金  open-end fund
开放式网间连接器  open gateway
开放式网间联系买卖  internet order connection
开仓交易  opening transaction
开仓合约  opening contract
开价盘  quote
开价盘要求  quote request
开盘状况报告  quote maintenance report
开盘价  opening price
集中持仓量  concentrated position
集中风险  concentration risk
集中风险调整  concentration risk adjustment
《集合投资计划的广告宣传指引》  Advertising Guidelines for Collective Investment Schemes
集合竞价  aggregate auction
集资  capital formation
集资市场  primary market
《集资退休基金守则》  Code on Pooled Retirement Funds
《集资退休基金的广告宣传指引》  Advertising Guidelines for Pooled Retirement Funds
集资净额  net proceeds
集团内部交易  intra-group transactions
集团会计  corporate accounting
集体投资计划     collective investment schemes (CIS)
集体投资基金  collective investment fund
项目融资  project finance
顺差  favourable variance; favourable difference
须予公布的交易  notifiable transaction
须予披露的交易  discloseable transaction
传统基金会(美国)  The Heritage Foundation(US)
传统债券  plain vanilla bond
债券  bond; debenture; debt securities; loan stock
债券市场工作小组     Working Group on Debt Market
债券抵押证券  Collateralised Bond Obligation (CBO)
债务  indebtedness
债务人  debtor
债务工具中央结算系统(金管局)  Central Moneymarkets Unit (CMU)(HKMA)
债务市场  debt market
债务报表  indebtedness statement
债务偿还  debt repayment
债务证券  debt securities; loan stock
债务链  debt chain
债转股  debt-for-equity swap
债权人  creditor
债权股额  loan stock
债权证  debenture
汇兑限额  exchange quota
汇兑损失  exchange loss
汇票  bill of exchange
汇款同步交收(银行)  payment vs payment (PvP)(banking)
微值入价  cabinet bid
微值交易(期权)  cabinet trade; cabinet bid
损益平衡点  breakeven point
损益账  profit and loss account
新一代中央结算系统  CCASS/3
新加坡交易所  Singapore Exchange (SGX)
新加坡证券交易所交易及自动报价系统  Stock Exchange of Singapore Dealing and Automated Quotation System (SESDAQ)
新市场发展工作小组  Working Group on New Market Development
