bill of lading Bills of Lading and Analogous Shipping documents Ordinance [Cap. 440] bind tariff at zero binder mechanism binding of edges binding of tariff levels biocatalyst biological agent biological weapon biopharmaceutical industry biopolymer bioprocessing biosensor biotechnology biotechnology industry Biotechnology Internship Programme Biotechnology Research Institute Biotechnology Sub-committee [Industry and Technology Development Council] black oil blank [mechanical engineering] blanket blanket sleepers blazer bleaching bleaching and dyeing industry blending of rice block tariff blocking blouse blouson blow moulding blowing
bodice body body corporate body suit body supporting garment Bogor Declaration boiled wool boiler boiler inspector Boilers and Pressure Vessels Authority Boilers and Pressure Vessels (Exemption) (Consolidation) Order [Cap. 56] Boilers and Pressure Vessels (Forms) Order [Cap. 56] Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordinance [Cap. 56] Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulations [Cap. 56] bolster cover bond bonded warehouse bonding bonus allocation Bonus Allocation Scheme book value reporting book-binding border interception botanical beverage bound rate box fan braces branch registration certificate brand conscious brand name brass die casting brass die casting technology brassiere brassware break bulk chemical industry breakdown breaker breeches briefing briefs British Engineering Council British Institute of Data Processing Management British Institute of Materials British Institution of Mechanical Engineers British Standard British Standards Institution [BSI] British Standards Institution safety standard for childrens products British Trade Commission broadcloth broken rice broker brokerage of deals broking firm buffing building, construction and real estate sector built-in agenda bulk heavy oil storage and packing bulk tank bulked acrylic yarn burn its extremities burner business Business Advisory Council [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation] Business Advisory Group |