
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语词汇英语基础内容详情




earning power 回收获利率
economic growth 经济成长
economic policy 经济政策
economic take-off 经济起飞
eight-hour system of labour 八小时工作制
elastic demand 弹性需求
electric appliances shop 电器行
electric power cost 电力成本
electronic computer 计算机,计算器
electronic transfer 电汇
embargo on the export of gold 禁止黄金出口
empty forms 空白表
endorsed in blank 空白背书
endorsement in blank 无记名签批
endorsement to order 指派式背书
enter into an agreement 订约
enter into(make) an
entrance fee 会费,入场费
equlibrium;balancing 平衡
equilibrium price 平衡价格
establish a business 创业
estimated cost 预算费用
estimated market value 估计市价
estimated revenue 岁入预算
estimated statement 估计表
European Common Market 欧洲共同市场
exact interest 抽息
exact quantity 确数
examine goods 验货
ex bond 关仓交货价
exchange bank 汇兑银行
exchange clause 汇兑条款
exchange control 汇兑管制
exchange fluctuations 汇兑变动
exchange fund 汇兑资金
exchange of commodity 货品交易
exchange rate 汇率
ex dock 码头交货价
execute an order 接受订货
execute one's promises 履行契约
exempt from taxation 免税
ex factory 工厂交货价
ex lighter 驳船交货
ex mill 工厂交货价
ex pier (wharf) 码头交货价
expiration notice 到期通知书
expiring date 到期日
expiry date 有效期限
ex plane (空运)飞机上交货价
ex plantation 农场交货
export agent 出口代理商
export bill 出口汇票
export for collection a/c 托收出口汇票科目
export bill of lading 出口提货单
export credit insurance 出口信用保险
export declaration 出口申报书
export duties 输出税,出口税
export insurance 出口保险
export licence 出口许可证
export loan 输出贷款
export merchant 出口商
export order 出口订单
export packing 出口包装
export permit 出口许可
export processing 加工出口
export quotas 出口配额
export sales 外销
export trade 出口贸易
express fee 快递费
express mail 快递邮件
ex rail 铁路边交货价
ex ship 船上交货价
ex store 仓库交货,店铺交货价
ex store terms 店铺交货条件
external trade 对外贸易
extra charge 额外费用
extra discount 额外折扣
extra expense 额外费用
extra work 加班
extra premium 额外保险费
extravagent price 过高的价格
ex works 工厂交货价
ex works terms 工厂交货条件
ex warehouse 仓库交货价
ex warehouse terms 仓库交货价条件
ex wharf 码头交货价


face value 面值,票面
factory expenses 制造费用
factory planning 工厂计划
factory report 工厂报告
factory supplies 工厂供应品
facsimiles of
authorized signatures 有权签字员样本
failed bank 破产银行
fair average quality 中等品质
fair average sample 平均中等样品
fair market value 公平市价
fair price 平价
fair trade 公平交易
fall(or become) due 到期(支票),期满
falling price 跌价
family size 家庭用特大号
farm produce 农产品
favorable balance 有利差额
favorable trade balance 出超
field service 就地服务
fill your order 供应订货
firm offer 肯定报价
financial analysis 财务分析
financial ability 财力
financial circle(world) 金融界,财经界
financial condition 财务状况
financial expense 财务费用
financial investigation 财务调查
financial position 财务状况
financial report 财务报告
financial statements 资产负债表
fine gold 纯金
finished goods 成品,制成品
finished product 制成品
firm offer 实盘
firm order 定期订货
firm price 固定价格
fire risk 火险
fire policy 火灾保险
fiscal year 会计年度
first quality 上等品质
fixed cost 固定成本
fixed prices 固定价格
fixed rate 固定率
floor price 底价,最低价
flour mill 面粉厂
fluctuation 物价波动,涨落
fluctuating market 变动市场
for account of 在某人帐上
for sale 廉价出售
foreign capital 外国资本
foreign currency 外币
foreign exchange 外汇
foreign exchange control 外汇管制
foreign exchange market 外汇市场
foreign exchange
foreign exchange reserve 外汇准备
foreign mail 外国邮件
foreign trade 对外贸易
formal contract 正式合同
formal notice 正式通知
form of application 申请表
forward agent 运送经纪人
forward business 期货交易
forward exchange 远期汇兑
forward exchange transaction 远期外汇买卖
forwarding agency 运输业
forwarding agent 运输商
forwarding business 运输业
free alongside ship (FAS) 船边交货价
free enterprise 自由企业
free foreign exchange 自由外汇
free goods 免税品
free in 包括装船费在内的运费
free in and out 包括装卸费在内的运费
free of all average 全损赔偿
free of capture &
seizure clause 扣押免责条款
free of charge 免费
free of cost 免费赠送
free of expense 免费
freight paid to...terms 运费预付至...条件
free of tax 免税
free on board (F.O.B) 船上交货价
free on board shipping point 起运点交货
free on board destination 目的地交货
free on rail 火车上交货价
free on truck 卡车上交货价
free overside 输入港船上交货价格
freight broker 货运经纪人
freight charges 运费
freight forward 运费待收,运费有提货人支付
freight paid 运费付讫
freight payable on delivery 货到付运费
freight prepaid 运费先付
freight to be collected 运费待收
freight to collect 运到收费
freight ton 装载吨
freight train 运货列车
frozen foods 冷冻食品
fulfil the terms 履行条款
full service 完全服务
full state trading 完全国营贸易
functional expense 业务费用
future market 未来市场
