踢球:kick; boot 踢球者: kicker 停住空中球:kill a ball 凌空踢出:volley 凌空反弹踢出:half volley 抛球凌空踢出:punt; drop volley 拨球:flick the ball 扫踢:sweeping kick 颠球:juggle 迈过球(以迷惑对方):step over the ball 弧线球:curved [swerving] ball;bend; curl 内弧球:inswinger 外弧球:outswinger 跑动踢球:running kick 得球:gain possession of the ball 失球:lose possession of the ball 漏球:miskick 踢出界:kick out 踢球太高:sky 控球能力:ball-control[-handling] 控球时间比:ball possession percentage 停球:trap; stop 大腿停球:thigh trap 胸部挡球:chest 停空中球:stop volley 踢后前冲:kick and rush 无球跑动:off-the-ball running 转身踢:turnaround kick 脚背踢球:instep kick 脚外侧敲击:flick [jab] kick 脚尖踢球:toe kick 脚弓踢球:kick with the inside of foot 脚跟踢球:heel kick |