英语频道小编Candice整理了英语单词millennia的学习资料,关于millennia是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括millennia的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,millennia的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词millennia相关的信息。 millennia英[mɪˈleniə]美[mɪˈlɛnɪə]n.一千年( millennium的名词复数 );千年期;千禧年;全人类未来的幸福时代网络几千年;一千年;千年里;数世纪 双语例句 1 . For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews. 两千年来, 异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2 . In the course of millennia, the dinosaurs died out. 在几千年的时间里,恐龙逐渐死绝了。 来自辞典例句 3 . We are punier and smaller - brained compared with our ancestors only a few millennia ago. 与距今仅仅几千年的祖先相比,我们的身材变得矮小了,大脑也变小了. 来自时文部分 4 . These animals have contributed to an ecological balance which has sustained man through hundreds of millennia . 这些动物提供的生态平衡,支持了人类生存的数十万年. 来自辞典例句 5 . But people got along fine without microwaves for millennia . 但是人们没有微波炉生活了几千年都很好. 网络释义 -millennia1 . 几千年 733mill压榨机734millennia几千年735miner幼虫期寄居叶内的昆虫,矿工 2 . 一千年 thelineshaveremainedvirtuallyuntouchedfortwomillennia(一千年).Noonecanreallyprovewhytheimagesweremade,makingthemamajorpuzzleforhistoriansandanthropologistsalike. 3 . 千年里 in the last few millennia, we have made the most astonishing and unexpected discoveries about Cosmos and our place within it .在最近的几千年里,关于宇宙和我们所在的地方,我们已经有了最让人惊异和难以想像的发现。 4 . 数世纪 millenniaof drainage work have reduced it to a network of interconnected lakes and waterways protected by dikes .数世纪的排水工程使得它成为了湖泊和水道纵横交错由堤坝保护着的网状结构。 相关词条+for millennia1 . 数千年历史 no one knows exactly when diving officially began , but people have been jumping off cliffs and into the sea for millennia .无人确切知道跳水正式始于何时,但从悬崖跳入水中的活动已有数千年历史。 +millennia ago1 . 数千年间 although werewolves don't defend these relations as staunchly as they did millennia ago , a wise Garou keeps an eye on his kin .即使狼人们不再像漫漫数千年间那么样坚定地保护他们的亲属,一个明智的狼人还是会好好关照自己的血亲。 +over millennia1 . 数千年来 outer space 外层空间over millennia 数千年来over the horizon 即将来临,已露端倪(同on the horizon). 2 . 上千年 caste system has evolved over millennia ., 吉奥诺西斯人的等级制度发展了上千年. +millennia institute1 . 励仁高中 这期的《青春开讲》,omy记者来到励仁高中(Millennia Institute),访问该校的同学们,看看他们如何看待综合度假胜地及其衍生的问题? 2 . 励仁高级中学 教育部今早发表文告,2009年起,所有初院及励仁高级中学(Millennia Institute)的新生,在每年的统一收生制下,将于1月底或2月初入学;二年级生则在1月第二周开始上课。 |