英语频道小编Helen整理了英语单词militarily的学习资料,关于militarily是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括militarily的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,militarily的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词militarily相关的信息。 militarilyadv.以武力,以军事行动网络在军事上;军事上;军事力量;在军事 双语例句 1 . They have been galvanised into collective action — militarily, politically and economically. 他们在形势驱使下已经在政治、经济和军事上采取了联合行动。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . The checkpoint was abandoned as militarily indefensible. 检查站因为军事上无法防御而被舍弃。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . They remain unwilling to intervene militarily in what could be an unending war. 他们仍然不愿意对一场可能会旷日持久的战争进行军事干预。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . While that option would incur fewer casualties, it would not be militarily effective. 尽管那种选择造成的伤亡人数可能会更少,却并不能取得军事上的胜利。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . The British would never react militarily to the invasion of the islands. 英国根本不会在他们侵占福岛后在军事上进行反攻. 来自辞典例句 网络释义 -militarily1 . 在军事上 militant 好战的militarily在军事上militarise 军事化 2 . 军事上 I might have arguments with the size of Reagan's military buildup , but given the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan , staying ahead of the Soviets militarilyseemed a sensible thing to do .我也许对里根军备增加有所疑问,但是由于苏联入侵了阿富汗,在军事上领先苏联似乎是极为合理的选择。 3 . 军事力量 Uganda's president , Yoweri Museveni , may also be dragging out negotiations in the hope of smashing Mr Kony militarily.乌干达总统YoweriMuseveni可能也正在拖延谈判,希望能粉碎Kony先生的军事力量。 4 . 在军事 we have got great achievements militarily, politically and economically .我们在军事、政治、经济等方面取得了巨大的成绩。 相关词条+militarily severe1 . 军纪森严 The officer was militarily severe , the soldier obedient ., 这个军官是军纪森严, 这个士兵则唯命是从. +militarily competent1 . 军事过硬 军事分界线 military demarcation line军事过硬militarily competent军事援助 military aid +and militarily1 . 与军事 information warfare and militarily precise thinking ., 信息化战争与军事精确思维. +militarily and1 . 军事和 Zeihan says US options will be limited in the years ahead because the country is over extended militarily and financially .泽汗表示,由于美国近年来在军事和财政上的过度支出,美国的选择其实有限。 |