英语频道小编Bess整理了英语单词microemulsion的学习资料,关于microemulsion是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括microemulsion的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,microemulsion的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词microemulsion相关的信息。 microemulsion美[maɪkroʊe'mʌlʃn]微乳剂,微型乳剂网络微乳;微型乳剂;微乳液;微乳状液 双语例句 1 . The interfacial diffusion of microemulsion membrane controled extraction process. 动力学研究表明提取过程的速控步骤为微乳液膜界面扩散过程. 2 . Water soluble paint was prepared with microemulsion as base content. 以微乳液为基础配制成水性涂料. 3 . The common character and basic forming condition on microemulsion were generalized. 概括了有关微乳液的一般特征及形成的基本条件. 4 . Investigation of the phase and conductance were used for the microemulsion . 采用三相图形式和电导率对微乳化体系进行跟踪检测. 5 . Nanodroplets of the microemulsion bind with nanoparticles of the nutraceutical or cosmetoceutical. 该微小乳状液中的纳米液滴与营养食品或药用美容品的纳米颗粒结合. 行业释义网络释义 医学1.微乳 -microemulsion1 . 微乳 emulsions)4. 微乳(microemulsion)1. 普通乳(emulsion) 2 . 微型乳剂 microelement 微量元素microemulsion微型乳剂microencephalon 脑过小 3 . 微乳液 ...纳米乳编辑纳米乳液(nanoemulsion)又称微乳液(microemulsion),是由水、油、表面活性剂和助表面活性剂等自发形成,粒径为1~100nm的热力学稳定、各向同性,透明或半透明的均相分散体系.一般来说,纳米乳分为三种类型,即水包油型纳米乳(O/W)、. 4 . 微乳状液 1959 年, Schulman [ 2] 将上述体系称为微乳状液(Microemulsion), 简称为...虽然 5 目前大多数物理化学和物理化学实验教材未涉及微乳概念,但在胶束和乳状液. 相关词条+microemulsion membrane1 . 微乳液膜 The interfacial diffusion of microemulsion membrane controled extraction process ., 动力学研究表明提取过程的速控步骤为微乳液膜界面扩散过程. +microemulsion flooding1 . 微乳液驱油 ...microbial enhanced oil recovery 微生物强化采油microemulsion flooding 微乳液驱油mobility rate 流度比 2 . 微乳液驱 ...以自身损耗来减少其它化学剂损耗的廉价化学剂.微乳液驱microemulsion flooding以微乳液作驱油剂的驱油法. +microemulsion polymerization1 . 微乳液聚合 study on the surfactant in the microemulsion polymerization ., 表面活性剂在微乳液聚合中的应用. 2 . 液聚合 ...2】 率先报道了甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)和丙烯酸甲酯(MA)的微乳液聚合,自此就有了微乳液聚合(microemulsion polymerization)这一新技术。微乳液聚合是制备聚合物纳 3 湖北人学硕十学位论文米粒子最重要的方法之一。 +microemulsion system1 . 微乳液系统 Polymeric dispersant can also form a microemulsion system and nano - sized particles then synthesized., 本研究实验结果证实 , 利用此分散剂亦可形成一微乳液系统, 并用以合成奈米粒子. 2 . 乳体系 the phase diagrams of pseudo tricomponent of microemulsions consisting of oleic acid / ammonia gasoline alcohol water were plotted , and the properties of this microemulsion system were discussed .制备了油酸/氨水汽油醇水微乳液系列,并采用拟三元相图对此微乳体系进行了研究。 |