英语频道小编Bethany整理了英语单词microcapsules的学习资料,关于microcapsules是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括microcapsules的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,microcapsules的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词microcapsules相关的信息。 microcapsules美[maɪk'roʊkæpsju:lz]微囊剂网络工艺微囊;微型胶囊;空心微球;胶囊化 双语例句 1 . The microcapsules are suspended in a substance similar to vegetable cooking oil. 微型封装块悬浮在像食用油那样的物质中. 2 . Different control - released fragrance microcapsules with different release properties were prepared in - situ polymerization. 采用原位聚合法制备一系列具有不同缓释性能的香精微胶囊. 3 . Methods: Lycopene microcapsules were prepared by simple coacervation technique orthogonal design. 方法: 用单凝聚法制备微囊,并用正交实验优化制备工艺. 4 . Carboxymethyl chitosan - chitosan - carboxymethyl chitosan ( CCC ) microcapsules as anew kind of microcapsule were prepared. 制备新型微胶囊即羧甲基壳聚糖 — 壳聚糖 — 羧甲基壳聚糖微胶囊 ( CCC ) . 5 . Fragrance compound microcapsules with three layered wall were prepared by in - situ polymerization. 采用原位聚合法三层造壁技术,对香精进行胶囊化. 网络释义 -microcapsules1 . 工艺微囊 ...临床应用于湿疹、荨麻疹、过敏性皮炎以及各类皮肤过敏等人群的防治处理。2药物微囊化后的具体应用范围微囊系列药物的制作工艺微囊(microcapsules)系利用天然的或合成的高分子材料将固体或液体药物包嵌而成的粒径为5~250µm的微型胶囊,简称微囊. 2 . 微型胶囊 Comparison of Bioactivities Between Microcapsules and Tablets of Vitamin D_2 Stored For 1 Year微型胶囊及普通片剂维生素D_2放置一年后之生物活性对比 3 . 空心微球 microcapsules海藻酸微囊, microcapsules空心微球, microcapsules相变微胶囊 4 . 胶囊化 fragrance compound microcapsuleswith three layered wall were prepared by in-situ polymerization .采用原位聚合法三层造壁技术,对香精进行胶囊化。 相关词条+microcapsule suspension1 . 微囊悬浮剂 a analytical method for encapsulated ratio was developed according to 30 % phoxim microcapsule suspension .以30%辛硫磷微囊悬浮剂为例,初步建立了成囊率的测定方法。 +microcapsule culture1 . 微囊培养 微囊培养(microcapsule culture) ,于微囊膜阻止了大分子物质(抗体、病毒)的通过,既保证了细胞营养,又起到免疫隔离作用;(5)中空纤维管培养(hollow fiber culture). +microcapsule material1 . 微胶囊材料 application of the functional microcapsule material in information - recording field ., 功能性微胶囊材料在信息记录领域的应用. +microcapsule technology1 . 微胶囊技术 application of microcapsule technology in coatings ., 微胶囊技术在涂料中的应用. |