英语频道小编Angela整理了英语单词meanness的学习资料,关于meanness是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括meanness的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,meanness的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词meanness相关的信息。 meanness英[ˈmi:nnɪs]美[ˈminnɪs]n.卑贱;吝啬;劣等;恶意的行为网络卑鄙;吝啬;无聊卑劣;劣等 双语例句同反义词 1 . This very careful attitude to money can sometimes border on meanness . 这种对待金钱的过分谨慎的态度有时几近于吝啬。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Whatever faults he may have, meanness is not one of them. 不管他有什么缺点,可他没有吝啬这一缺点. 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》 3 . He is above meanness and deceit. 他不至于搞卑鄙和欺骗行为. 来自《简明英汉词典》 4 . They gave him a dig about his meanness . 他们在挖苦他吝啬. 来自《简明英汉词典》 5 . The meanness of anonymity gave a shuddering obscenity to the moment. 这种匿名的卑鄙行为使他一时觉得下流得让人吃不消. 来自辞典例句 同义词 malice英英释义网络释义noun1.the quality of being deliberately mean 2.extreme stinginess -meanness1 . 卑鄙 meanly 卑贱地meanness卑鄙means of transportation 交通设施 2 . 吝啬 They a dig about his meanness., 他们在挖苦他吝啬. 3 . 无聊卑劣 贫乏地;寒酸地;卑劣地;吝啬地 meanness无聊卑劣;吝啬;粗恶 means 手段,方法,工具;财力,资产,收入 means-test meanspirited 卑鄙的 meanspiritedly meant vbl. 4 . 劣等 劣等(meanness), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 相关词条+means :1 . 意义∶ it was in her case , first of all , that we see what " redemption " means : she was set free from all evil and especially from death .在玛利亚身上,我们最先看到「救赎」的意义∶她被免于一切凶恶,尤其是死亡。 +meanings (1 . 意义的词 among the mental verbs , only those which express positive meanings ( joy , happiness , etc ) are acceptable in this structure .在心理动词中,只有表愉快等积极意义的词才可以进入“很+不V”中。 +meaning :1 . 轮椅的 meaning : in the face of sharing uncooked pet food with the cat , many of my wheelchaired acquaintances have to lie about their circumstances , thus getting a little extra money from welfare givers .我认识的许多坐轮椅的人面临与宠物猫分吃生猫食的窘境,都会向福利机构多榨取几美元。 2 . 这旅馆 meaning : while each brokerage statement is accurate , the collective amount is not .这旅馆既不宽敞也不舒服。 +mean means1 . 卑鄙手法 i mean he used mean means in the meantime on the ocean ., 我的意思是其间在海洋上他用了卑鄙手法. |