英语频道小编Aurora整理了英语单词mainstay的学习资料,关于mainstay是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括mainstay的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,mainstay的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词mainstay相关的信息。 mainstay英[ˈmeɪnsteɪ]美[ˈmenˌste]n.支柱,柱石;骨干,中流砥柱;主要的依靠;主桅支索网络引申为支柱;主要支柱;中流砥柱;骨干 词形变化: 复数:mainstays 双语例句同反义词 1 . Cocoa is the country's economic mainstay . 可可是这个国家的经济支柱。 来自《权威词典》 2 . Agriculture is still the mainstay of the country's economy. 农业仍然是这个国家经济的主要支柱. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . After the father's death the son became the mainstay of the family. 父亲死后,儿子就成了这个家庭的主心骨. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 4 . They were the mainstay in the War of Resistance Against Japan. 他们是抗日战争的中流砥柱. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 5 . This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country. 这一集体谈判原则已经成为该国劳动关系的重要基础。 来自柯林斯例句 同义词 dependence英英释义行业释义网络释义noun1.a prominent supporter; he is a pillar of the community 2.a central cohesive source of support and stability; faith is his anchor 3.the forestay that braces the mainmast 体育1.骨干 2. 台柱 3. 主将 -mainstay1 . 引申为支柱 刘植童名字怎么样_刘植童名字解释_刘植童名字测试 ... ... 木柱〖post〗 引申为支柱,柱本〖pillar;mainstay〗 通“志”(zhì)。志向〖will〗. 2 . 主要支柱 For now , even Mammy , her mainstay, had gone back to Tara ., 因为现在连她的主要支柱嬷嬷也回塔拉去了. 3 . 中流砥柱 中流 midstream中流砥柱 mainstay中海 Zhonghai 4 . 骨干 2. A mainstayof adult tertiary education should be constructed with general colleges and universities as its main body.2 。以普通高校为主体 ,构建成人高等教育骨干; 相关词条+mainstay business1 . 骨干企业 letting green bird fly into factory of milkings of double bridge of Beijing of wave of water of ten million home is the mainstay business that Beijing milkings produces , built go into operation 1983 .让绿鸟飞进千万家水波北京双桥乳品厂是北京市乳品生产的骨干企业,1983年建成投产。 +mainstay industry1 . 支柱产业 我国自1984年邓小平提出“开发信息资源,服务四化建设”以来,已把信息产业与能源、交通、原材料等支柱产业(Mainstay industry)放在同等重要的地位加以推动。近十几年来. +mainstay of1 . 主体的 this is a community of farmers in agriculture as the mainstay of the culture is patriarchal kinship to the cultural roots of the Patriarchal System ;这是一种以农民社会为主体的农业文化,又是以宗法血缘关系为根基的宗法制度文化; +key mainstay1 . 重点骨干 grind Shandong of champion of one sword Hao 6 years to save Qingdao marine head office a belong to traffic to carry one of key mainstay businesses .六年磨一剑郝冠军山东省青岛海运总公司是省属交通运输重点骨干企业之一。 |