英语频道小编Deborah整理了英语单词loose的学习资料,关于loose是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括loose的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,loose的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词loose相关的信息。 loose英[lu:s]美[lus]adj.松的,宽的;模糊的;散漫的;自由的vt.释放;不受约束地表达;松开;射出(子弹、箭等) vi.变得松散;发射导弹;开火 adv.散漫地 n.解放;放任;发射 网络松;松散;松的;松动 词形变化: 过去式:loosed 过去式:loosed 过去式:loosing 过去式:looses 过去式:looser 过去式:loosest 派生词:loosely looseness 双语例句词组习语同反义词更多资料 1 . She unbound her hair and let it flow loose in the wind. 她把头发解开,让它随风飘动。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers. 她捧起疏松的泥土,任其缓缓地从指间漏下。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . She was pretty and young, in a loose smocked sundress. 她年轻貌美,一身宽松的刺绣太阳裙。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . A man-eating lion is on the loose somewhere in England. 英格兰有一头吃人的狮子跑出来了。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . A gust of wind pried loose a section of sheet-metal roofing. 一阵狂风把铺在屋顶上的一块金属片掀起来了。 来自柯林斯例句 常用词典hang (或 stay) loose 1 . (非正式,主美)放松,自在 习惯用语on the loose 1 . 在逃;自由 同义词adj.1.松的;松散的;软的;不确切的”释义下的同义词 vague free confused limp drooping unfastened unclear inexact untied hazy 反义词adj.1.松的;散漫的”释义下的同义词 strict tight 语源Middle English loosfree from bonds, from Old Norse lauss, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German los英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun1.not restrained or confined or attached; a pocket full of loose bills 2.not compact or dense in structure or arrangement; loose gravel 3.(of a ball in sport) not in the possession or control of any player; a loose ball 4.not tight; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting; loose clothing 5.not officially recognized or controlled; an informal agreement 6.not literal; a loose interpretation of what she had been told 7.emptying easily or excessively; loose bowels 8.not affixed; the stamp came loose 9.not tense or taut; the old man's skin hung loose and gray 10. (of textures) full of small openings or gaps; an open texture 11. not fixed firmly or tightly; the bolts became loose over time 12. lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; idle talk 13. not carefully arranged in a package; a box of loose nails 14. freely producing mucus; a loose phlegmy cough 15. having escaped, especially from confinement; a convict still at large 16. casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior; her easy virtue 17. not bound or fastened or gathered together; loose pages 18.without restraint; cows in India are running loose vern1.grant freedom to; free from confinement 2.turn loose or free from restraint; let loose mines 3.make loose or looser; loosen the tension on a rope 4.become loose or looser or less tight; The noose loosened 体育1.放松 2. 撒放 3. 自由密集争球 水产1.水扣 2. 又称“档”。网具装配时,纲索(或粗线)在网衣边缘和每档纲索之间形成的弧形结构。 -loose1 . 松 赔付线:payline松:loose紧:tight 2 . 松散 loop魔术毛带loose松散loosethread脱线 3 . 松的 ...策时,货币的供给就不会超过它的需求——公众就具有相应的经济自由以从事生产性且赢利性的经济活动;相反,当政府持续采取松的(loose)货币政策时,货币的供给就会超过它的需求——货币则会贬值,公众从事生产性且赢利性活动的自由将会受到限制. 4 . 松动 螺钉 screw松动 loose脱落 fall off 相关词条+loose change1 . 脆弱的变化 《脆弱的变化(Loose Change)》 回复(329) - 来自 2012吧 +loose cannon1 . 松动的大炮 英语中的俚语 ... ling winded 长舌,碎嘴 loose cannon 松动的大炮(一触即发的脾气) lose one's marbles 疯了,神智不清. +let loose1 . 放出 lay in 贮存,贮藏let loose 放松,放开;放出lay to 把(功、过)归于 +loose packing1 . 散装 卷杆 rilling, winding散装loose packing编织袋 weaving bag 1.He was playing fast and loose with his girlfriend. So she left him. 他对他的女友老是忽冷忽热,于是她离开了他。 |