英语频道小编Angel整理了英语单词loop的学习资料,关于loop是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括loop的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,loop的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词loop相关的信息。 loop英[lu:p]美[lup]n.圈,环;[医]宫内避孕环;回路;弯曲部分vt.& vi.(使)成环,(使)成圈;以环连结;使翻筋斗 网络环;回路;循环;圈 词形变化: 复数:loops 复数:looped 复数:looped 复数:looping 复数:loops 双语例句词组习语同反义词更多资料 1 . I think that the vice president was in the loop . 我认为副总统是局内人。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . These activists don't want to feel out of the loop . 这些活跃分子不想做局外人。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . The road went in a huge loop around the lake. 那条路环湖绕了一个大圈。 来自《权威词典》 4 . Loop the rope around the pole. 把绳子环绕在柱子上. 来自《简明英汉词典》 5 . Loop the curtains up. 把窗帘卷起来. 来自《简明英汉词典》 常用词典in (或 out of) the loop 1 . (非正式,主美)(不)了解内幕 throw (或 knock) someone for a loop 2 . (北美,非正式)使惊奇,突袭 同义词 coil circle flap curl track knot thread contort circuit 语源late Middle English: of unknown origin; compare with Scottish Gaelic lùbloop, bend 图片英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun1.fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords or lines 2.anything with a round or oval shape (formed by a curve that is closed and does not intersect itself) 3.(computer science) a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated; the solution took hundreds of iterations 4.an inner circle of advisors (especially under President Reagan); he's no longer in the loop 5.the basic pattern of the human fingerprint 6.a computer program that performs a series of instructions repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied 7.the topology of a network whose components are connected in a loop 8.an intrauterine device in the shape of a loop 9.a complete electrical circuit around which current flows or a signal circulates 10. a flight maneuver; aircraft flies a complete circle in the vertical plane vern1.move in loops; The bicycle looped around the tree 2.make a loop in; loop a rope 3.fly loops, perform a loop; the stunt pilot looped his plane 4.wind around something in coils or loops 5.fasten or join with a loop; He looped the watch through his belt 体育1.翻筋斗 2. 套手皮圈 冶金学1.活套 动物学1.腕环 化工1.环路 医学1.①袢,环,套圈:带状结构的锐弯或转弯,另见ansa 2.②接种环:微生物学所用的一种器械,由一个杆状的金属柄连接一个坚固的金属丝,常用白金或镍铬合金制就,在游离端构成一个环,标准环的内径为4 mm,用于细菌和霉菌培养的接种 3. 细胞内池 数学1.自环 2. 幺拟群 法律1.箕型纹 物理学1.回路 2. 圈[图] 3. [diagram] 生物学1.环台面 电力1.回路 2. 又称“环路”。 -loop1 . 环 ...旋形式。对于真核生物来说,虽然其染色体多为线形分子但其DNA均与蛋白质相结合,两个结合点之间的DNA形成一个突环(loop)结构,类似于CCC分子,同样具有超螺旋形式。超螺旋按其方向分为正超螺旋和负超螺旋两种。真核生物中,D. 2 . 回路 loop[lu:p]n.环(tach,loop,ring), 线(绳)圈, 弯曲部分(loop,flexure), 回路(loop), 回线(loop,loop-line), (铁路)让车道(loop), (飞机)翻圈飞行(loop)vt.使成环, 以圈结, 以环连结 3 . 循环 ...expressions, 1.4条件,conditaional,语句和循环,loop,语句1.5如何运用arrays,数组,和vectors,向量, 1.6指. 4 . 圈 我们将讨论的两大控制结构类型是分支(branch)和回圈(loop)。分支是程式执行通路上的一个分叉口,取决于某种测诗,程式可选择向左进行或向右进行,以后的路可能不相同. 相关词条+Activation-loop A-loop1 . 经历活化茎环 ...多样性。新合成的PKC一般需要经历活化茎环(Activation-loop,A-loop)、转角模体(Turn motif,TM)以及疏水模体(hydrophobic motif,HM)的程序性磷酸化过程才能成熟,获得进一步活化的功能。[1]. +loop the loop1 . 环路火车 loop tester 环线测试器loop the loop 环路火车loop towel 毛巾 2 . 翻跟斗 ...例:摇篮(Rock the baby) 魔术手套(Magic) 回转花式:空转时间极短,可以说只有瞬间,然后就开始回收例:翻跟斗(Loop the loop)一类型的花式线上花式:招式过程中,绳沟和绳子双重或多重接触。 +open loop and loop1 . 开环和闭环 the best part of it is to play the open loop and loop game even to the degree of FMEM ( Failure Mode and Effects Management ) .最好之处是用了开环和闭环的把戏,甚至于”故障态控制管理“。 2 . 开环和闭环控制 this paper presents a new algorithm which adopts open loop and loop congestion control . it cooperates the permits and time-stamps schemes , together with the FCFS scheduling policy .本文提出了一种同时采用开环和闭环控制,结合许可证控制和时间戳调度策略,以FCFS方式服务的拥塞回避新算法。 1.We knocked the villain for a loop. 我们把那恶棍狠狠揍了一顿。 2.The news of their marriage threw me for a loop. 他俩结婚的消息让我十分诧异。 3.I don't believe this climactic sequence doesn't knock you for a loop. 我不相信这一连串的高潮都剌激不了你。 4.Wouldn't that knock the boys for a loop? 难道那还不能让那些孩子快活吗? 5.The whole economy was thrown for a loop. 整个经济陷入了困境。 6.It must have knocked him for a loop,but he asked. 这件事一定使他吃了大亏,但这是他自找的。 |