英语频道小编Alva整理了英语单词lithagogue的学习资料,关于lithagogue是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括lithagogue的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,lithagogue的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词lithagogue相关的信息。 lithagogue美['lɪθəɡɒɡ]驱石的,驱石剂网络排石;驱石的;驱石剂;排石的 行业释义网络释义 医学 1.①排石的 2.②驱石剂,排石疗法 -lithagogue1 . 排石 the safety test of the lithagoguecapsule ., 排石胶囊的安全性试验研究. 2 . 驱石的 lithagogue排石的, lithagogue驱石的, lithagogue驱石剂 3 . 驱石剂 lithaemia 尿酸血, lithagogue驱石剂, lithagogue排石的 4 . 排石的 lith 岩石学, lithagogue排石的, lithaemia 尿酸血 相关词条+lithagogue powder1 . 排石颗粒 the preparation and clinical observation of the lithagogue powder ., 排石颗粒的制备及临床观察. +cholagogic and lithagogue tablet1 . 利胆排石片 chokon 高频隔直流电容器cholagogic and lithagogue tablet 利胆排石片cholagogic tablet 利胆片 +lithagogue infusion of amber1 . 琥珀消石冲剂 Liteace 莱特艾斯牌汽车lithagogue infusion of amber 琥珀消石冲剂lithagogue infusion 排石冲剂 +lithagogue infusion1 . 排石冲剂 lithagogue infusion of amber 琥珀消石冲剂lithagogue infusion 排石冲剂litharge lead oxide yellow 黄丹 |