英语频道小编Julie整理了英语单词leukemic的学习资料,关于leukemic是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括leukemic的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,leukemic的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词leukemic相关的信息。 leukemic美[lu:'kemɪk]adj.白血病的网络白血病的;小鼠白血病细胞;白血病性;性白血病 双语例句 1 . The liver is frequently involved by leukemic infiltration or by lymphoma in patients with these diseases. 在有白血病浸润或淋巴瘤的病人中,肝脏常为白血病浸润或淋巴瘤所累及. 来自辞典例句 2 . Are Leukemic Patient Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Malignant? 白血病人骨髓间充质干细胞是否是恶性细胞? 3 . Both tests are also done to see if treatment is destroying leukemic blast cells. 另外,它们还可以用来明确治疗是否有效破坏了白血病原始细胞. 4 . Conclusions AL patients expressed IFN - � � and IL - 12 lowly bec ause of the leukemic cells. 结论 白血病细胞负荷抑制AL患者IFNγ、IL12 体内表达,且对IFNγ、IL12表达的抑制水平不一致. 5 . Cytogenetic analysis is a lab test to examine the chromosomes of the leukemic blast cells. 细胞遗传学分析是一项检测白血病原始细胞染色体的实验室检查. 行业释义网络释义 医学1.白血病的,患白血病的 -leukemic1 . 白血病的 leukaemia 白血病leukemic白血病的leukemogenesis 引起白血病 2 . 小鼠白血病细胞 附图夜香树提取物对小鼠白血病L1210细胞生长的抑制作用_药学论文_医药学论文_论文教育信息网关键词】 夜香树提取物; 小鼠白血病细胞; 细胞增殖; 集落形成 [gap=850]Key words:Extracts from Cestrum nocturnum Linn.; Leukemic; Proliferation; Colony forming 3 . 白血病性 they do know that once the marrow cell undergoes a " leukemic" change , it multiplies into many cells .他们只知道一旦骨髓细胞发生了“白血病性”的变化,就分裂为很多细胞。 4 . 性白血病 when the team delivered an identical number of derived leukemiccells to both sets of mice , those with the CCR7 chemokine receptor turned off lived almost twice as long .当研究者将一定数量的人源性白血病细胞注入两组小鼠体内,趋化因子受体CCR7关闭的小鼠存活时间几乎是另一组的两倍。 相关词条+leukemic cells1 . 白血病细胞 AML , the leukemic cells are often referred to as blast cells ., 对于急性髓细胞白血病 , 白血病细胞通常是指原始细胞. +leukemic patients1 . 白血病病人 thus , leukemic patients are prone to anemia , thrombocytopenia , and granulocytopenia and all of the complications that ensue , particularly complications of bleeding and infection .因此,白血病病人有贫血、血小板减少、粒细胞减少和所有继发并发症的倾向,明显的并发症是出血和感染。 +leukemic reticulosis1 . 白血病性网性细胞增多 leukemia 白血病leukemia cell 白血病细胞leukemia cell antigen 白血病细胞抗原leukemia virus 白血病病毒leukemic reticulosis 白血病性网性细胞增多leukemic retinitis. +leukemic retinitis1 . 白血病性视网膜炎 leukemia cell antigen 白血病细胞抗原 leukemia virus 白血病病毒 leukemic reticulosis 白血病性网性细胞增多 leukemic retinitis 白血病性视网膜炎leukoblast 成白. |