英语频道小编Anne整理了英语单词letter的学习资料,关于letter是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括letter的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,letter的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词letter相关的信息。 letter英[ˈletə(r)]美[ˈlɛtɚ]n.信;证书,许可证;字母,文字;字面意义vt.用字母标明;写字母于;加标题 vi.写印刷体字母 网络封信;信;字母;或快讯 词形变化: 复数:letters 复数:lettered 复数:lettered 复数:lettering 复数:letters 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . The letter merely restated the law of the land. 这封信只不过重复了一下土地法。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . The letter was short — a simple recitation of their problem. 信写得很短——只是简单地说了一下他们的问题。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . The things that stuck out were his cockiness and his four-letter words. 与众不同之处在于他的骄傲自大和满嘴脏话。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind. 那封信非常清楚地表明了一个变态者的思维方式。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly. 发言人说信函的语气非常友好。 来自柯林斯例句 同义词n.1.书信”释义下的同义词 note dispatch communication message 2.字母”释义下的同义词 symbol character alphabet sign 语源Middle English: from Old French lettre, from Latin litera, litteraletter of the alphabet, (plural) epistle, literature, culture 图片英英释义行业释义网络释义noun1.a written message addressed to a person or organization; mailed an indignant letter to the editor 2.the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; his grandmother taught him his letters 3.a strictly literal interpretation (as distinct from the intention); he followed instructions to the letter 4.an award earned by participation in a school sport; he won letters in three sports 5.owner who lets another person use something (housing usually) for hire vern1.win an athletic letter 2.set down or print with letters 3.mark letters on or mark with letters 法律1.许可证 -letter1 . 封信 Use carbon paper to make a copy of a letter., 用复写纸复制的一封信. 2 . 信 ...诉你你需要通过那个楼梯来触动一些在地下的雕塑(机关)来打开那个portal。3. 到那个楼梯的西面,你会看到一封信(letter),把信拿起来。4. 爬下楼梯,你会看到一些black mushrooms(黑蘑菇),拿一个,然后用P. 3 . 字母 Phonics指的是先学会英文26个字母,知道每个字母所代表的发音,然后通过建立英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)之间的对应关系,达到看字母就可以直接读出该词的发音,解决单词会读,会拼的问题。(. 4 . 或快讯 为方便理解,不统计评论(Review)或快讯(Letter)等。录入关键检测数据(温度、压力、PH值和各项化学检验指标等),不用担心机器做AP时长时间工作。 相关词条+letter A letter from1 . 情况的信 debt representation letter A letter from a member to the Bank outlining the country's external debt .外债报告书会员国致世界银行概述该国外债情况的信。 +letter letter1 . 信函过 specifications of letter letter stamping machine信函过戳机技术条件 +letter (1 . 函格式 bidders shall a confirmation letter ( as the attachment ) to the tendering agent to indicate will participate the bid within 10 days after receive the bidding document .投标人应在收到本招标文件后10天内,书面确认是否参加上述投标,确认函格式见附页。 +letter after letter1 . 一封接一封 534. let me see 让我看看535. letter after letter 一封接一封536. listen to 听…… |