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过去式:knew  过去式:known  过去式:knowing  过去式:knows  
派生词:knowable  knower  

1 . I know it's nothing serious and I feel quite unemotional about it.



2 . We all know that fats spoil by becoming rancid.



3 . Kaspar had spoken know -ledgeably about the state of agriculture in Europe.



4 . I know how to darn, and how to sew a button on.



5 . You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.




all one knows

1 . 就某人所知

and one knows it

2 . 某人自己也知道

—— as we know it

3 . 与现在一样

before one knows where one is (或before one knows i

4 . (非正式)转眼间

be in the know

5 . 知情的,知晓内幕的

be not to know

6 . 无法知道

don't I know it!

7 . (非正式)我何尝不知道

don't you know

8 . (非正式,旧)你也知道的

for all someone knows

9 . 就某人所知

God (或goodness 或heaven) knows

10 . [用于强调自己不知道]天知道

I know

11 . 我同意

know best

12 . 更知道,更懂得

know better than

13 . 变聪明些,不再相信,不再上当

know someone by sight

14 . 与某人只是面熟

know different (或otherwise)

15 . 知道相反的消息(或证据)

know something for a fact

16 . 确切知道

know someone in the biblical sense

17 . (非正式,幽默)与某人性交

know no bounds

18 . 无限,没有边际

know one's own mind

19 . 有决断

know one's way around

20 . 熟悉(地区,领域,程序或主题)

know the ropes

21 . 懂得诀窍,在行

know what's what

22 . (非正式)懂行,老练

know who's who

23 . 知道各人的身份和地位

let it be (或make something) known

24 . (尤指经由第三方)保证大家都被通知到

not know from nothing

25 . (北美,非正式)完全不知,(尤指对某事)一无所知

not know the first thing about

26 . 一无所知

not know that

27 . (非正式)[用以表示对自己能力的怀疑]不知如何

not know what to do with oneself

28 . (一般因寂寞、窘迫或焦虑而)不知如何是好

not know where (或which way) to look

29 . 尴尬,不知所措

not want to know

30 . (非正式)不感兴趣

what does —— know?

31 . (非正式)[表示某人对所谈话题一无所知]某人懂什么

what do you know (about that)?

32 . (非正式,主北美)(表示吃惊)你看怪不怪,真想不到

wouldn't you like to know?

33 . (非正式)[用于表示不透露决 心]你别想知道

you know

34 . (非正式)[表示所指之事已被听话者理解或知道]你知道,你也清楚

you know something (或what)?

35 . (非正式)[用以引出有趣或惊人的话语]你知道吗

you never know

36 . (非正式)很难说,不可预知


in the know【非正式用语】

1 . 知道的,消息灵通的:掌握特别或秘密的信息的

you know【非正式用语】

2 . 你知道,你要知道:在谈话中作插入语,用于填补停顿或获取听者的赞同或认同

同义词vt.1.知道;了解;懂得;认出”释义下的同义词 comprehend aware be perceive realize identify discern understand sure distinguish of recognize 语源Old English cnāwan(earlier gecnāwan) recognize, identify, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Latin (g)noscere, Greek gignōskein, also by can and ken英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语vern

1.be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about;

I know that the President lied to the people

2.know how to do or perform something;

She knows how to knit

3.be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt;

I know that I left the key on the table

4.be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object;

She doesn't know this composer

5.have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations;

I know the feeling!

6.accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority;

The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne

7.have fixed in the mind;

I know Latin

8.have sexual intercourse with;

This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm

9.know the nature or character of;

we all knew her as a big show-off

10. be able to distinguish, recognize as being different;

The child knows right from wrong

11. perceive as familiar;

I know this voice!



2. know-how


1 . 知道


2 . 了解

know(了解) 多多了解邪淫的坏处,再想想邪淫有什么可以值得学习的地方,不用想了,没有吧,那么你可以读一些戒邪淫的.

3 . 认识

...,1955),作者拜利(D. Sherwin Bailey)否认创世记十九5与士师记十九22的动词「认识」(know),有性交的含意。他否定的依据为:(a)统计数字(在旧约中「认识」一字只有十五次指性交,相对而言,其原.

4 . 知

...医学生能力标准的培养进程上,提出了学习锥(learning pyramid)的概念,自下而上依序为:第一层为知(know),指的是对一般性生物医学知识的了解;第二层为知道如何应用(knowhow),指的是知识的整合与应用.

相关词条+to know right know

1 . 知道权利知道

the one thing i need to know right know一件事情我需要知道权利知道

+I know you know

1 . 我知你知

《我知你知》(I Know You Know)[DVDRip] 《猎人游戏》(The Hunters)非常恐怖影视首发站旗下魅影字幕组[DVDrip]

+know they know they

1 . 清楚他们

Fernando is our main scorer and defenders know they know they can't give any chances away to him because he will take them .费尔南多是我们的主要射手,后卫都清楚他们不能给任何机会给他,因为他会一一把握住。

+I know nobody knows

1 . 没人知道

[原创] 阿P的音乐推荐帖~~~ ... Everybody's got their dues in life to pay 生命中所拥有的注定要失去 I know nobody knows 没人知道Where it comes and where it goes 它来自何方去向何处.

1.It's bad, all right. Don't I know it!


2.It takes know-how to run that thing.


3.I don't have the know-how to do this.


4.Sure,I'm in the know. But I'm not telling.


5.Ask Harry. He's usually in the know.

请教哈里吧。 他总是消息很灵通。

6.That little creep over there always thinks he knows all the answers.


7.She doesn't bother any more. She knows all the answers.


8.Even your doctor doesn't have all the answers.

