英语频道小编Bess整理了英语单词kneecap的学习资料,关于kneecap是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括kneecap的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,kneecap的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词kneecap相关的信息。 kneecap英[ˈni:kæp]美[ˈniˌkæp]n.膝盖骨,护膝vt.(恐怖分子)用枪击穿(某人的)膝盖骨(或腿部)(进行报复),向(某人)的膝盖(或腿)开枪作为一种惩罚;射击某人的膝盖骨 网络膝盖骨;髌骨;也;护膝 词形变化: 复数:kneecaps 复数:kneecapped 复数:kneecapped 复数:kneecapping 复数:kneecaps 双语例句 1 . Roll the leg inward until the kneecap faces the other leg. 卷腿膝盖向内,直至面临另一方面,另一条腿. 2 . It is unclear who social conservatives would rally around if they wanted to kneecap the front - runner. 如果,保守人士想阻碍朱利亚尼赢得选举,他们会转而助谁一臂之力尚且不明. 3 . Bynum injured his left knee on Jan. 13, suffering a bone bruise and briefly dislocated kneecap . 拜纳姆在1月13号比赛中左膝受伤, 骨头被撞, 膝盖骨暂时脱臼. 4 . Undead Female - " I heard a knee slapper once, and skipped my kneecap right across a lake. " 我听到我的膝盖响了一下, 然后 膝盖骨 就掉到湖里去了. 5 . Kay had dislocated her left kneecap in her semi - final match of the round robin tournament. 凯曾在她的循环赛中的一轮 半决赛 时造成左膝盖骨错位. 网络释义 -kneecap1 . 膝盖骨 膝盖(Knee),是人腿中部的关节,由膝盖骨(kneecap)(也叫做髌骨(patella)),股骨(femur)(大腿骨)的下端,和胫骨(tibia)(小腿骨). 2 . 髌骨 腭骨 - Mandarin-English Dic... ... 髋骨 hip bone; hipbone; innominate bone 髌骨 kneecap; patella 髋骨 hip bone; hipbone. 3 . 也 骨字旁加一个果字念什么 ... 尾骨 [coccyx] 踝骨。也作“踝” [anklebone] 膝骨。也指膝部 [kneecap]. 4 . 护膝 cuff 护腕kneecap护膝blouse 女式衬衣 相关词条+left kneecap1 . 左膝盖 Bynumcontinues his rehabilitation work , but there's no firm date for his return to the practice court . he injured his left kneecap Jan . 13 .拜纳姆则继续进行康复治疗,但目前还没有确定的归期能回到训练场上。他在1月13日伤了左膝盖。 2 . 左膝关节 he missed the rest of the 2007-08 season after dislocating his left kneecap in mid-January , and on Saturday he tore the MCL in his right knee when Bryant crashed into Bynum's leg after a missed shot .在上赛季1月中旬他因为左膝关节脱臼缺席了接下来的所有比赛,而在上周日他又因与队友科比相撞右膝韧带撕裂。 +kneecap height1 . 膝盖高 shoot in the kneecap, often done by terrorist groups as a warning 相关短语: kneecap height 膝盖高kneecap supporter 护膝到沪江小D查看kneecap的. +his kneecap1 . 他的膝盖骨 he went down in mid-January and was expected to be sidelined 8 to 12 weeks after bruising a bone his knee and briefly dislocating his kneecap .他在1月中旬,预计将缺阵8到12周后骨折,擦伤了膝盖,并简要介绍他的膝盖骨脱臼。 +your kneecap1 . 您的膝盖 do you feel stiffness over the front or inner side of your kneecap , especially after sitting or kneeling ?您是否感到您的膝盖前面或内侧僵硬,特别是在坐下或跪下之后? |