英语频道小编Jastine整理了英语单词joyfully的学习资料,关于joyfully是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括joyfully的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,joyfully的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词joyfully相关的信息。 joyfully美[ˈdʒɔɪfəlɪ]adv.喜悦地,高兴地;令人高兴地;欢欢喜喜网络喜悦地;快乐地;欢乐地;开心地 双语例句同反义词 1 . They greeted him joyfully . 他们愉快地和他打招呼。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . She tripped along joyfully as if treading on air. 她高兴地走着,脚底下轻飘飘的. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 3 . During these first weeks she slaved joyfully . 在最初的几周里,她干得很高兴. 来自《简明英汉词典》 4 . Joyfully, he embraced and kissed his parents and Aksah. 他快快活活地拥抱,亲吻了他的双亲和阿客萨. 来自辞典例句 5 . She stopped. Elinor joyfully treasured her words as she answered. 她不往下说了.埃莉诺在答话时,乐滋滋地斟字酌句. 来自辞典例句 同义词 lightly网络释义 -joyfully1 . 喜悦地 joyful 快乐的joyfully喜悦地joyhouse 妓院 2 . 快乐地 count your cost of any sacrifice to be only the parting from that which would delay your knowing Him more , that you may be unfettered to run swiftly and joyfullyafter Him .算你任何一项牺牲的代价只是使你脱离那些耽延你更多认识祂的东西,而叫你能无羁绊地,迅速且快乐地跟随祂奔跑。 3 . 欢乐地 I believe he meant he was skiing skillfully , joyfully, peacefully , and confidently ., 我想 , 他的意思是说他正在娴熟地 , 欢乐地 , 平静地和自信地滑雪. 4 . 开心地 His wife looked up at him joyfully., 他妻子开心地抬眼望着他. 相关词条+joyfully consented1 . 欣然同意 he joyfully consented and we set out ., 他欣然同意, 我们就出发了. +spend joyfully1 . 欢度 日常用语词汇接龙 ... 欢 joyous merry vigorously 欢度spend joyfully 欢呼庆祝 maffick. +he joyfully1 . 他欣然 he joyfully consented and we set out ., 他欣然同意 , 我们就出发了. +living joyfully1 . 快乐生活着 the people are pausing in the river bank , Outside this , Similarly also has is living joyfully in right bank the people .人们在河的左岸停留着,在这之外,同样又有在右岸快乐生活着的人们。 |