吊钩的英文: cargo hook swivel The curtain hooks can run along a slot in the curtain rail. v. 举起 n. 抬,举;电梯,升降 break [lift, raise] a blockade fork lift for pallets He is lifting potatos in the field. n. 钩子,吊钩,挂钩;镰刀;勾拳 v. 钩住,挂上;钓鱼;引人上钩 threw a left hook. brass square screw hook Careful! There's a hook overthere. v. 落下;降低;垂下;停止;终止;放弃;与…断绝联系 n. 落差;球状糖果;珠,滴;少量 A small amount of liquid;a drop. low-velocity drop high velocity drop |