英语频道小编Admine整理了英语单词jewelry的学习资料,关于jewelry是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括jewelry的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,jewelry的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词jewelry相关的信息。 jewelry英['dʒu:əlrɪ]美[ˈdʒuəlri],首饰网络饰品;大胆装扮;珠宝;珠宝首饰 双语例句 1 . I spend a lot on expensive jewelry and clothing. 我花很多钱购买昂贵的首饰和衣服。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Jewelry and lace are mostly feminine belongings. 珠宝和花边多数是女性用品. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . In her early fifties, she wears tons of jewelry . 她50出头, 全身是珠光宝气. 来自《简明英汉词典》 4 . My grandmother has some jewelry made of ivory. 我祖母有一些象牙首饰. 来自《简明英汉词典》 5 . The burglars walked off with all my jewelry . 夜盗偷走了我的全部珠宝. 来自《简明英汉词典》 行业释义网络释义 旅游1.首饰 -jewelry1 . 饰品 zunyi , guizhou europe should be home jewelryshop., 贵州遵义欧宜家居饰品店. 2 . 大胆装扮 mm公寓论坛西方让婚姻性感起来 ... Icecream 冰淇淋心情 Jewelry 大胆装扮,点燃性感之夜 Kiss 热吻无界限. 3 . 珠宝 ...单数这类集合名词包括baggage/luggage(行李),clothing(衣服),furniture(家具),machinery(机器),poetry(诗),scenery(风景),jewelry(珠宝),equipment(设备)等,其用法特点为:是不可数名词,只用单数形式,不用不定冠词(当然更不能用数词),没有复数形式。如:Our clothing pro. 4 . 珠宝首饰 buy health magnetic and germanium jewelry, with cz if possible ., 塞浦路斯求购珠宝首饰. 相关词条+jewelry and fashion jewelry1 . 珠宝和时尚饰品 buy body jewelry and fashion jewelry ., 捷克求购珠宝和时尚饰品. +jewelry )1 . 或者珠宝 I wish I had acquired more / better material things ( car , house , jewelry ) .希望有更好更多物质,比如,汽车,房子或者珠宝。 +jewelry Armoire A jewelry1 . 首饰柜首饰 jewelry Armoire A jewelry armoire is a great gift for your new wife and eternal Valentine .首饰柜首饰柜是送给你新婚妻子兼永恒情人最棒的礼物。 +jewelry jewelry shop1 . 珠宝饰品店 a number of brand-name watches stores , jewelry jewelry shop said that in the near future there will not be promotional activities , there is no price the end of the space .一些名牌手表店、珠宝饰品店都表示,近期不会有促销活动,年底也没有降价的空间。 |