英语频道小编Alva整理了英语单词Iraqi的学习资料,关于Iraqi是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括Iraqi的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,Iraqi的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词Iraqi相关的信息。 Iraqi英[iˈrɑ:ki]美[ɪˈræki, ɪˈrɑki]adj.伊拉克的n.伊拉克人 网络伊拉克;伊人;伊军 词形变化: 复数:Iraqis 双语例句 1 . Iraqi officials accompany the inspectors in order to intimidate witnesses. 伊拉克官员陪同核查人员,企图对证人进行恐吓. 来自英汉非文学 - 政府文件 2 . So is an Iraian, a Palestinian, an Iraqi, a Filipino, a Singaporean. 伊朗人 、 巴勒斯坦人 、 伊拉克人 、 菲律宾人 、 新加坡人也都是亚洲人. 来自英语晨读30分(高三) 3 . More immediately, Iraq and the Iraqi military establishment will escape destruction. 目前更为紧迫的是, 伊拉克和伊拉克的军队要免遭毁灭. 来自百科语句 4 . Iraqi ground troops on the ridge above kept them completely pinned down. 伊拉克在山脊上的地面部队完全的压制了他们. 来自电影对白 5 . As in " Who Wants to Bomb an Iraqi Missile Site? " 比如 《 谁想去炸掉一个伊拉克的导弹发射基地? 英英释义网络释义noun1.a native or inhabitant of Iraq; the majority of Iraqi are Arab Shiite Muslims although Sunni Muslims control the government 2.of or relating to Iraq or its people or culture; Iraqi oil -Iraqi1 . 伊拉克 "Selamat Hari Natal"Iraqi伊拉克"Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah" 2 . 伊人 出轨以后,为了讨伊人(Iraqi)欢心(Favor),吃烛光、送玫瑰、喝咖啡(Coffee)是必需的,船离不开帆和浆,就象人离不开朋友一样。 3 . 伊军 About 40 Iraqidivisions were annihilated and the Allied Troops had a light casualty ., 伊军约 40 个师被歼灭 , 而多国部队伤亡很少. 相关词条+Iraqi officials1 . 伊拉克官员 While many Iraqi officials rallied behind the government , the mood among fans was sour ., 当很多伊拉克官员团结起来支持政府的时候 , 拥护者们的情绪高涨. +Iraqi capital1 . 伊拉克首都 Rice is in the Iraqi capital on an unannounced visit ., 莱斯正在对伊拉克首都巴格达进行一次事先没有宣布的访问. +Iraqi leaders1 . 伊拉克领导人 That was to give Iraqi leaders the chance to work for political unity ., 这个目的就是给伊拉克领导人机会去组成政治联盟. +Iraqi forces1 . 伊拉克部队 He says U.S. and Iraqi forces are making progress fighting the insurgency ., 他说美国和伊拉克部队正在平息暴乱上取得进步. |