英语频道小编Isha整理了英语单词inveiglement的学习资料,关于inveiglement是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括inveiglement的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,inveiglement的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词inveiglement相关的信息。 inveiglement美[ɪn'vi:ɡlmənt]n.诱骗,诱惑同反义词 同义词 provocation stimulant persuasion网络释义相关词条+they inveigled 1 . 他们诱惑 they inveigled her into buying a dress which she didn't really need .他们诱惑她买下了一条她并不真正需要的裙子。 +inveigled her1 . 诱惑她 they inveigled her into buying a dress which she didn't really need .他们诱惑她买下了一条她并不真正需要的裙子。 +She inveigled1 . 她骗取 She inveigled a promise from her boss ., 她骗取了上司的允诺. +he inveigled1 . 他诱惑 he inveigled them into buying a new car , even though they didn't really want one .他诱惑他们买了一辆新汽车,其实他们并不真正需要。 2 . 他终于劝说 With tact and perseverance he inveigled her into becoming his law partner ., 凭着机智和不懈努力 , 他终于劝说她成为自己的法律合伙人. |