英语频道小编Angela整理了英语单词inveigle的学习资料,关于inveigle是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括inveigle的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,inveigle的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词inveigle相关的信息。 inveigle英[ɪnˈveɪgl]美[ɪnˈveɡəl, -ˈvi-]vt.诱骗,引诱网络欺狂;诱骗;拉拢;骗取 词形变化: 过去式:inveigled 过去式:inveigled 过去式:inveigling 过去式:inveigles 派生词:inveiglement 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . In the main, the Eisenhower administration did not try to inveigle Kennedy into underwriting it's policies. 总的说来, 艾森豪威尔政府并没有设法诱骗肯尼迪在它的政策上签字画押. 来自辞典例句 2 . With patience and diplomacy, she can eventually inveigle him into marrying her. 她靠耐心和交际手腕, 到头来是能引诱他与她结婚的. 同义词 coax entrap 语源late 15th cent. (in the sense beguile, deceive; formerly also as enveigle): from Anglo-Norman French envegler, alteration of Old French aveuglerto blind, from aveugleblind网络释义 -inveigle1 . 欺狂 新华字典-在线查字-汉字诱的意思解释-诱的读法-拼... ... 引诱〖lure;seduce〗 向导,引路〖guide〗 欺狂,诱骗〖deceire;inveigle;trap〗. 2 . 诱骗 inveigh←→verbally provide supportinveiglev. 诱骗,诱使to win over by wiles:ENTICE 3 . 拉拢 牵的读音,牵字的意思,牵字的组词,牵字的笔画,牵字... ... 牵连;牵累〖implicate;tiedown〗 拘泥〖rigidlyadhereto〗 拉拢,拉拉扯扯〖inveigle;woo;pullanddrag〗. 4 . 骗取 instigate vt. 唆使, 怂恿inveiglevt. 诱骗, 骗取retaliate vt. 就…进行报复 相关词条+they inveigled1 . 他们诱惑 they inveigled her into buying a dress which she didn't really need .他们诱惑她买下了一条她并不真正需要的裙子。 +inveigled her1 . 诱惑她 they inveigled her into buying a dress which she didn't really need .他们诱惑她买下了一条她并不真正需要的裙子。 +She inveigled1 . 她骗取 She inveigled a promise from her boss ., 她骗取了上司的允诺. +he inveigled1 . 他诱惑 he inveigled them into buying a new car , even though they didn't really want one .他诱惑他们买了一辆新汽车,其实他们并不真正需要。 2 . 他终于劝说 With tact and perseverance he inveigled her into becoming his law partner ., 凭着机智和不懈努力 , 他终于劝说她成为自己的法律合伙人. |