英语频道小编Isabell整理了英语单词infuriation的学习资料,关于infuriation是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括infuriation的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,infuriation的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词infuriation相关的信息。 infuriation美[ɪnˌfjʊrɪ'eɪʃən]n.激昂,激怒网络激昂 网络释义 -infuriation 1 . 激昂 infuriate 狂怒的infuriation激昂infuscate 略带褐色的 相关词条+the infuriating1 . 挑衅者 中华网游戏论坛 - Powered by Disc... ... The Helpful:助人者 The Infuriating:挑衅者The Insulted:受辱者. +infuriated man1 . 愤怒的人 during the agonizing spasms of infuriated man , seeking through blood and slaughter his long _ lost liberty ., 当愤怒的人挣扎着想通过流血 , 杀戮来寻求失去已久的自由. +sometimes infuriates1 . 有时会激怒 EI AI ' sthoroughness sometimes infuriates passengers ., eiAI 公司安全检查的彻底性有时会激怒乘客们. +infuriate her1 . 激怒她 a sixth sense warned her that he was deliberately trying to infuriate her , to make her angry enough to lose control .一种直觉告诫她:他是在故意想要激怒她,使得她愤怒至极而失去控制。 |