英语频道小编Dannis整理了英语单词infanticide的学习资料,关于infanticide是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括infanticide的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,infanticide的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词infanticide相关的信息。 infanticide英[ɪnˈfæntɪsaɪd]美[ɪnˈfæntɪˌsaɪd]n.杀婴,杀婴者;溺婴;杀孑;食子网络杀婴;杀害婴儿 双语例句更多资料 1 . Homicide cover the crime of murder, manslaughter and infanticide . 杀人包括谋杀罪, 过失杀人和杀害婴儿. 2 . Infanticide matrix, as a social phenomenon, has its particular social root. 摘要母亲杀婴自古以来是一种社会现象, 有其独特的社会根源. 3 . It is of no consequence by what theories the races who infanticide now defend the practice. 那种理论所谓现在实行杀婴的种族为这种行为而辩护是没有结果的. 4 . It is true, for example, that some societies approve of infanticide while others do not. 例如, 有的文化认可杀婴行为,而有的却不是这样. 5 . In some species, such as lions and langurs, this results in deliberate infanticide . 在诸如狮子及叶猴等物种中, 这导致了故意杀婴. 语源mid 17th cent.: via French from late Latin infanticidium, from Latin infant-(see infant) + -cidium(see -cide)行业释义网络释义 动物学1.杀婴现象 医学1.杀害婴儿 2.杀婴犯 法律1.杀婴罪 -infanticide1 . 杀婴 第一节杀婴杀婴(infanticide)指非法使用暴力手段,加害分娩过程中或娩出后不久的已具有生活能力的新生儿生命的犯罪。胎儿或新生儿也可因其本身的疾病或母亲的疾病. 2 . 杀害婴儿 infant mortality 婴儿死亡率infanticide杀害婴儿infantile eczema 小儿湿疹 相关词条+female infanticide1 . 杀害女婴 like buck they were only too familiar with the realities of a world where female infanticide domestic slavery and sexual bondage were commonplace .同赛珍珠一样,他们非常了解现实世界,这个世界上,杀害女婴、家庭奴隶和性奴役普遍存在。 +Female infanticide1 . 女婴 求翻译:淡紫色、翻译公司、深紫色是什么意思? ... 我玩了很长时间电脑 » I played for a long time computer 女婴» Female infanticide 希望说得很好 » Hope very good. +cannibalistic infanticide1 . 食仔癖 啄食癖;同类相残癖 cannibalism食仔癖cannibalistic infanticide罐头工业 canning industry +maternal infanticide1 . 母猪母性杀婴 ...30母猪母性杀婴(maternal infanticide)行为QTL精细定位及位置候选基因研究国家自然科学基金. |