英语频道小编Bertha整理了英语单词inebriate的学习资料,关于inebriate是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括inebriate的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,inebriate的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词inebriate相关的信息。 inebriate英[ɪn'i:brɪeɪt]美[ ɪˈnibrɪət]adj.酒醉的n.酒鬼,酗酒者 vt.使酒醉,灌醉;使兴奋 网络灌醉;酒鬼;陶醉的;醉汉 词形变化: 过去式:inebriated 过去式:inebriated 过去式:inebriating 过去式:inebriates 派生词:inebriation inebriety 双语例句更多资料 1 . Drinking tea can inebriate people in summer. 夏季饮茶不当也会让人有醉的感觉。 来自辞典例句 语源late Middle English (as an adjective): from Latin inebriatus, past participle of inebriareintoxicate (based on ebriusdrunk)英英释义网络释义noun1.a chronic drinker vern1.fill with sublime emotion; tickle pink (exhilarate is obsolete in this usage); The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies 2.make drunk (with alcoholic drinks) 3.become drunk or drink excessively -inebriate1 . 灌醉 3. inebriatedinebriate灌醉inebriation 醉 2 . 酒鬼 ebri=drunken (醉)inebriate陶醉的,酒鬼eleg=lament (悲伤) 3 . 陶醉的 ebri=drunken (醉)inebriate陶醉的,酒鬼eleg=lament (悲伤) 4 . 醉汉 指标 indicator醉汉 inebriate古柯碱 Jam(cocaine) 相关词条+inebriation dance1 . 醉舞 discuss on antiquity inebriation dance and inebriation boxing ., 论古代醉舞与醉拳. +inebriate achnatherum1 . 醉马草 醉马草locoweed醉马草inebriate achnatherum醉鱼草 Lindley's buddleia 2 . 药老 药石 herbs and minerals药老inebriate achnatherum药材 medicinal material +The inebriated1 . 这个喝醉 The inebriated man became very talkative ., 这个喝醉了的人变得很健谈. +inebriation boxing1 . 醉拳 discuss on antiquity inebriation dance and inebriation boxing ., 论古代醉舞与醉拳. |