英语频道小编Anna整理了英语单词impost的学习资料,关于impost是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括impost的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,impost的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词impost相关的信息。 impost英['ɪmpəʊst]美['ɪmpoʊst]n.税,关税;拱端托;拱墩网络进口税;窗框的竖框;关税;税 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . Transient immobilization and stravation add to this impost on the skeletal muscle mass. 暂时的卧床和饥饿更加重了这种骨胳肌的消耗. 来自辞典例句 2 . I said that no one has the right to impost his views on others. 我说任何人都无权把自己的意见强加于人. 同义词 exaction 语源mid 16th cent.: from French (earlier form of impôt), from medieval Latin impostus, from Latin impositus, past participle of imponere(see impose)late 15th cent.: from Italian imposta, feminine past participle of imporre, from Latin imponere(see impose)英英释义行业释义网络释义 collected under a tariff 2.the lowest stone in an arch -- from which it springs 体育1.附加重量 -impost1 . 进口税 (2) 关税 impost(进口税) (3) 增值税 - 17.0% value added tax (4) 报关费用 costoms declaration charges 1、报关打单费 costoms declarence doc. 2 . 窗框的竖框 imposition of the prestress 预应力的强加impost窗框的竖框impounded water 积滞水 3 . 关税 2009年3月11日 - (四)关税国际工程项目本身属于技术与服务贸易范畴,其工程价款的纳税不属于关税(Impost)征税范围。但伴随着国际工程项目建设,施工设备、材料的采购、. 4 . 税 impossibility 不可能;不可能的事impost税;进口税;拱基impotable water 非饮用水 相关词条+an imposter1 . 一个骗子 We discovered him to be an imposter ., 我们发现他是一个骗子. +impost springer1 . 拱脚石 gable springer 山墙托臂 impost springer 拱脚石thrust at springer 拱端推力,拱脚推力 springer spaniel 斯伯林格斯班尼犬到沪江小D查看springer spaniel. +continuous impost1 . 连续拱墩 continuous girder 连续大梁continuous impost 连续拱墩continuous lights 连续窗 +two imposters1 . 两个骗子 one day two imposters arrived who gave themselves out for weavers , and pretended they knew how to weave the most beautiful cloth imaginable .有一天来了两个骗子,他们说自己是织工,佯装会织能想象到的最漂亮的布料。 |