英语频道小编Cassie整理了英语单词ignorantly的学习资料,关于ignorantly是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括ignorantly的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,ignorantly的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词ignorantly相关的信息。 ignorantly网络不学无术地;无知地;蒙昧;不学无术的双语例句 1 . His eyes is staring his front ignorantly . 他把眼睛茫然凝视着他的前方. 来自辞典例句 2 . I conceive that you ignorantly worship; in all things you appear to me too superstitions. 我认为你是在愚昧地崇拜, 我觉得你对各种事情都很迷信. 来自辞典例句 3 . They lived ignorantly in their own small world. 他们无知地生活在自己的小小世界之中. 网络释义 -ignorantly1 . 不学无术地 不孝之罪 unfiliality不学无术地 ignorantly不宁 inquietude 2 . 无知地 ignorant无知的、不学无术的;ignorantly无知地、不学无术地;illation(名词)推定、推论; 3 . 蒙昧 ignorant 由于无知引起的, ignorantly蒙昧, ignorantia 无知 4 . 不学无术的 ignore v,驳回公诉,不理睬,忽略ignorantlyadv 无知的,不学无术的impartial 公平的,无偏见 相关词条+and ignorantly1 . 和才智 we must not squander our helplessly and ignorantly , squirting half the house in order to water a single rose-bush ;我们不能徒劳而无益地滥用自己的精力和才智,就像为给一株玫瑰浇水而喷洒了半个花棚一样。 +lived ignorantly1 . 无知地生活 they lived ignorantly in their own small world ., 他们无知地生活在他们自己的小小的世界里. +wound ignorantly1 . 无知地伤害 wound fatally 致命地伤害wound ignorantly 无知地伤害wound indirectly 间接伤害 +assert ignorantly1 . 无知地断言 assert groundlessly 无根据地断言assert ignorantly 无知地断言assert persistently 坚定地断言 |