英语频道小编Erika整理了英语单词hypothecation的学习资料,关于hypothecation是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括hypothecation的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,hypothecation的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词hypothecation相关的信息。 hypothecation英[haɪˌpɒθɪ'keɪʃən]美[haɪˌpɒθɪ'keɪʃən]n.不转移占有的抵押;对抵押财产的索赔权网络抵押;担保契约;押船契约;质押 双语例句 1 . On the Independent Nature and Embodiment of Maximum Hypothecation in the Law. 论最高额抵押的独立性及其在立法中的体现. 2 . Hypothecation brokerage to use securities in an account as collateral when providing loans . Must account. “了解客户”规则必须基于客户开户时取得的信息向客户进行合适的推介. 3 . The money of mortgage, as the thing subrogated, has combined the mechanism of insurance and hypothecation . 抵押物保险金为代位物, 实现了抵押与保险的机制衔接,内涵特有的价值目标和利益平衡性. 4 . Hypothecation Agreement Allows a brokerage to use securities in an account as collateral when providing loans. 担保契约协议当提供贷款时允许经纪公司将账户内的证券作为抵押品. 5 . The implementation of house property hypothecation is beneficial to the realization of promoting these goals. 房产抵押权的实现对促进这一目标的实现,大有裨益. 行业释义网络释义 法律1.抵押权 2. 质押契据 3. 质契 金融1.担保契约 2. 合担保契约 3. 押船契约 -hypothecation1 . 抵押 ...可以使船只承担责任。"根据习惯,船舶应当为货物承担责任,而货物也应当为船舶承担责任。""根据海事法,船长的每一个契约都意味着一个船货抵押(hypothecation)。"毫无疑问,关于通常的海事契约,有可能通过强制使在很多案件中处理方式必须基于船舶或者货物的安全;因. 2 . 担保契约 hypoth 假说的hypothecation抵押;抵押权;押船契约;担保契约hypothermal deposit 高温热液矿床 3 . 押船契约 hypoth 假说的hypothecation抵押;抵押权;押船契约;担保契约hypothermal deposit 高温热液矿床 4 . 质押 hypothecate 抵押hypothecation质押hypothesis 假定 相关词条+hypothecation certificate1 . 抵押证明书 hypothecation 抵押;押货预支hypothecation certificate 抵押证明书下一篇: +hypothecated account1 . 抵押帐户 hire charge account 租费帐hypothecated account 抵押帐户immovables account 不动产帐目 2 . 抵押账户 ...1937 hurdle rate 最低收益率,最低期望收益率1938 hypothecated account 抵押账户1939 hypothecation 抵押 +hypothecation Agreement1 . 担保契约协议 hypothecation Agreement Allows a brokerage to use securities in an account as collateral when providing loans .担保契约协议当提供贷款时允许经纪公司将账户内的证券作为抵押品。 +hypothecation insurance1 . 抵押保险 hull insurance船舶保险, 运输工具保险hypothecation insurance抵押保险imaginary profit insurance预期利益保险 |