英语频道小编Beverlyn整理了英语单词hyperemia的学习资料,关于hyperemia是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括hyperemia的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,hyperemia的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词hyperemia相关的信息。 hyperemia英[ˌhaɪpə'ri:mɪə]美[ˌhaɪpə'i:mɪr]n.充血网络充血 双语例句 1 . There are marginal hyperemia and pain, itching, burning sensation as symptoms. 睑缘充血 、 主觉痛痒及烧灼感. 2 . Tan - yellow plaques are seen in the lower esophagus, along with mucosal hyperemia . 食管下段可见黄褐色的斑块, 同时黏膜充血. 3 . The ulcer is shallow and sharply demarcated, with surrounding hyperemia . 溃疡表浅、边界清晰, 周围有充血. 4 . The infarcts seen here are yellow, with geographic borders and surrounding hyperemia . 图中的梗死灶为黄色, 境界清楚,周围是充血带. 5 . Esophagus mucous hyperemia was found in 3 patients. 鼻胃镜检查无1例鼻腔黏膜充血,仅3例示食管黏膜充血. 行业释义网络释义 医学1.充血:同engorgement 药学1.充血 2. 又称 :充血(congestion) -hyperemia1 . 充血 ...物质沉着(deposit of pathological substances)第二章局部血液循环障碍Localized disturbances of blood circulation一,充血(hyperemia)二,出血(hemorrhage、bleeding)三. 相关词条+functional hyperemia1 . 机能充血 functional enterocolonopathy 机能性肠障碍functional hyperemia 机能充血functional occlusion 机能性 +active hyperemia1 . 织性充血 active congestion 织性充血active hyperemia 织性充血active immunity 自动免疫 +compensatory hyperemia1 . 代偿性充血 compensator 补偿器compensatory hyperemia 代偿性充血compensatory hypertrophy 代偿性肥大 +passive hyperemia1 . 被动充血 passive agglutination 被动凝集反应passive hyperemia 被动充血passive immunity 被动免疫 |