英语频道小编Carol整理了英语单词hydroponics的学习资料,关于hydroponics是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括hydroponics的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,hydroponics的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词hydroponics相关的信息。 hydroponics英[ˌhaɪdrəˈpɒnɪks]美[ˌhaɪdrəˈpɑ:nɪks]n.水耕法,水栽培;水栽法网络水培;水耕法;溶液培养;水栽法 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . Maybe I'll go to hydroponics afterward and run through the sprinklers. 也许我会去水耕然后经过洒水车. 来自电影对白 2 . New York City has a unusual demonstration farm of hydroponics . 纽约市有一个特别的水培农场展示. 3 . Please show the brief differentia between hydroponics and soil culture. 请简要说明营养液栽培与土壤栽培在植物养分供应上的不同点. 4 . Today this mothod of farming is called hydroponics . 现在把这种栽培方法叫做水栽法. 5 . Effect of cerium ( Ce 3 + ) on photosynthesis in soybean seedlings was studied with hydroponics under laboratory conditions. 以大豆为实验材料,用溶液培养试验法研究稀土铈 ( Ce3+ ) 对大豆幼苗光合作用的影响. 同义词 culture 语源1930s: from hydro- of water + Greek ponoslabour + -ics行业释义网络释义 农学1.水培 医学1.〔植物〕溶液栽培学:不用土壤而使植物生长在含必需营养的液体介质中的栽培法 植物学1.水培 2. "又称 :水培(water culture,solution culture ) " -hydroponics1 . 水培 ...是肯定的,部分原因是在室内种植作物已经司空见惯了。三种主要技术——滴灌、气培(aeroponics)和水培(hydroponics),已经在世界范围内得到了成功应用。在滴灌法中,植物生弛轻便的水槽中,这种水槽由惰性材料[如蛭石(v. 2 . 水耕法 hydroponic 溶液培养的hydroponics水耕法hydroponist 水耕式经营者 3 . 溶液培养 hydropolyp 螅体hydroponics溶液培养hydrops 水肿 4 . 水栽法 外商投资种稻、旱地种植、果园种植等行业属于泰国1999年颁布的《外籍人经商法(Alien Business Act)》禁止行业;外商投资水栽法(Hydroponics)种植植物属于政府特别重视的. 相关词条+hydroponics gardening1 . 水培园艺 tips for the person new to hydroponics gardening ., 提示该人新的水培园艺. +cucumber hydroponics1 . 黄瓜无土栽培 technical regulation of pollution - free cucumber hydroponics production ., 无公害黄瓜无土栽培生产技术规程. +hydroponics vegetable1 . 水培蔬菜 study on simple technology of hydroponics vegetable ., 简易水培蔬菜技术的研究. +hydroponic culture1 . 水培条件 the impact of stomata conductance , photosynthetic pigment content and leaf growth speed on tomato ( cv.Ailsa Craig ) plant were studied under hydroponic culture with different level of water stress by 50,75 and 100 g / L PEG treatment , respectively .以栽培 |