英语频道小编Admine整理了英语单词humankind的学习资料,关于humankind是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括humankind的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,humankind的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词humankind相关的信息。 humankind英[ˌhju:mənˈkaɪnd]美[ˈhjumənˌkaɪnd]n.人类网络人类;成为人类;人类的巨人;包括人类 双语例句同反义词 1 . She always used & quot ; humankind & quot ; because & quot ; mankind & quot ; seemed to slight the women. 她总是使用“ humankind”(人类)这个词, 因为“ mankind ”(人类)好像忽视了女性的存在. 2 . Of all living things on earth what else doesn't look like humankind ? 世间万物之中,有什么东西能够完全不像人 呢 ? 来自汉英文学 - 现代散文 3 . Those who know life's final meaning Which all humankind must learn. 净理了可悟,胜因夙所宗. 来自英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学 4 . It may have been the closest that humankind has ever come to encountering extraterrestrials. 这可能是人类最近地遇到外星球生物. 来自超越目标英语 第6册 5 . The season does induce a quickening of the blood and a heightening of humankind 's sensual pleasures. 这个季节的确会加速血液循环、提高人们感官的兴奋程度. 来自名作英译部分 同义词 universe网络释义 -humankind1 . 人类 humanize 赋予人性humankind人类humanly 像人地 2 . 成为人类 current problems of global warming and the reduction of Earth's natural resources such as fossil fuels , fresh water and topsoil are the most difficult challenges humankindhas ever faced .目前全球暖化现象以及诸如石油、水源与表土等自然资源的耗竭,已成为人类有史以来所面临的最棘手的难题。 3 . 人类的巨人 Prometheus = A Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind, for which Zeus chained him to a rock and sent an eagle to eat his liver , which grew back daily .普罗米修斯从奥林匹斯偷火给人类的巨人,因为这事宙斯将他锁在一块巨石上,派一只鹰去吃他的肝,而他的肝每天又重新长上。 4 . 包括人类 All religions believe that God made the world and humankind., 所有的宗教相信神创造了世界 , 包括人类. 相关词条+benefit humankind1 . 造福于人类 he thinks chemical companies need to be similarly forthright , and explain the public that they " actually benefit humankind " .他认为化工公司应同他类似,行事坦率直接,并向公众解释他们“实际上造福于人类”。 +humankind and1 . 人类和 you often think about humankind and its destiny ., 你经常对人类和命运进行思考. +fallen humankind1 . 堕落人 therefore , fallen humankind is left with the mission of restoration to find the value of individual life , the value of world-level life , and beyond that , the value of heavenly life .因此,每一个堕落人都被赋予一项复归的使命,那就是去寻找个人基准上的生命价值、世界性基准上的生命价值,甚至超越前述二者,去寻找属天生命的价值 +to humankind1 . 对于人类 the world has already entered a new ocean era and the ocean presents new meanings to humankind , which is no longer just an obstacle but a survival space .世界已经进入新海洋时代,海洋不再仅是一个障碍而更主要是一个生存空间,海洋对于人类有了新的意义。 |