英语频道小编Arlene整理了英语单词hoodlum的学习资料,关于hoodlum是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括hoodlum的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,hoodlum的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词hoodlum相关的信息。 hoodlum英[ˈhu:dləm]美[ˈhudləm, ˈhʊd-]n.流氓,暴徒网络强盗;暴徒;罪犯;口语 词形变化: 复数:hoodlums 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . If I was a hoodlum I could hit you on the head. 如果我是强盗的话,我可以猛击你的头. 来自辞典例句 2 . The hoodlum is still in jug. 那个恶棍仍在坐牢. 来自辞典例句 3 . The hoodlum menaced the local merchants. 盗匪威胁着当地商人. 来自辞典例句 4 . He is a well - known hoodlum in this neighborhood, always bullying others. 他是这边有名的混子, 经常欺负人. 5 . My not hoodlum, but ill health. 我不流氓, 但不健康. 同义词n.1.无赖;流氓”释义下的同义词 rowdy ruffian tough 语源late 19th cent. (originally US): of unknown origin网络释义 -hoodlum1 . 强盗 gangster 歹徒,强盗hoodlum强盗,无赖,阿飞,恶棍,流氓hooligan 小流氓 2 . 暴徒 图文这把暴徒(Hoodlum)是最终极的生存刀。结合了罗恩·胡德(Ron Hood)的设计和巴克的高质量生产标准,这把暴徒可以确保使用者在极端条件下的进行生存。这把刀具足够. 3 . 罪犯 hooligan 流氓,不良分子hoodlum罪犯,恶汉;口语rascal 淘气,捣蛋鬼;口语 4 . 口语 hooligan流氓,不良分子hoodlum(口语)罪犯,恶汉rascal(口语)淘气,捣蛋鬼 相关词条+the hoodlum1 . 那个恶棍 the hoodlum is still in jug ., 那个恶棍仍在坐牢. 2 . 那个歹徒 the hoodlum was arrested because he broke the peace ., 那个歹徒被抓起来了 , 因为他扰乱治安. +hoodlums stripped1 . 流氓夺走 hoodlums stripped him of all his belongings .流氓夺走了他的所有财物。 +hoodlum festival1 . 光棍节 originally this is she gives own “ the hoodlum festival gift ” .原来这是她送给自己的“光棍节礼物”。 +the hoodlums1 . 这群无赖 the hoodlums defiled the church with scurrilous writing .这群无赖写了许多庸俗下流的东西,玷污了这座教堂。 |